[gnucash-de] Filteroptionen zum Buchungsbericht - war Re: Gelöst: Feld "Aktion" auf Split-Buchungen

Paul Dest paul.dest at web.de
Mo Apr 23 10:05:36 EDT 2018

Hallo Pepe,

Ich habe dieser Email die Datei transaction.scm aus der 3.0-Installation
angehängt: sie ist die Definition des Buchungsberichtes.

Du könntest folgendes probieren:
Ersetze die transaction.scm in Deiner GnuCash-Installation durch die
angehängte Datei. Vielleicht hast Du Glück und die neue
Report-Definition läuft auch auf Deiner alten Version. Dann sollte der
Report sich wie abgebildet konfigurieren und ausführen lassen. Wenn Du
kein Glück hast, dann hat sich die Report-API zur Version 2.6
geändert/erweitert; dann crasht Dein GnuCash; entweder sofort oder aber
auch erst beim Aufrufen des Reports. In diesem Fall kopiere Deine
bisherigen transaction.scm zurück und alles sollte wieder wie früher sein.

Bevor Du Deine transaction.scm mit der angehängten Datei überschreibst,
sichere daher Deine bisherige transaction.scm. Aber in einem Verzeichnis
außerhalb der GnuCash-Installation. Wenn Du die bisherige Datei im
gleichen Verzeichnis belässt und sie bloß umbenennst, dann crasht
GnuCash (offenbar wird der Inhalt des Verzeichnisses Datei für Datei mit
irgendwas anderem abgeglichen, was dann fehlschlägt.)

Vor dem ganzen Experiment am besten auch Deine Datei/Datenbank sichern.
Nicht dass ein versionsverwirrter GnuCash beim Speichern Deine
Arbeitsdaten fehlerhaft überschreibt.

Viele Grüße,

Am 23.04.2018 um 15:37 schrieb Wicheramo:
> Hallo Paul,
> also den Reiter hätte ich sicher gesehen. Den Dokumentationen zu Version
> 2.6 und 3.0 entnehme ich, dass ich auf die letztere umsteigen muss,
> damit er auftaucht. Das geht für mich als Linux-Nutzer leider nicht so
> ohne Weiteres – in den Debian-Paketquellen hängt 2.6.15 derzeit und eine
> Aktualisierung auf 3.0 ist wohl in nächster Zukunft nicht zu erwarten,
> nehme ich an. Mal sehen.
> Lieben Gruß
> Pepe
> Am 23.04.2018 um 10:39 schrieb Paul Dest:
>> Hallo Pepe,
>> Im Reiter "Konten" werden die Konten direkt ausgewählt. Im Reiter
>> "Filter" dagegen kann man zum einen über die Kontobezeichnungen filtern
>> (Feld "Filter der Kontobezeichnung"), zum anderen aber auch über mehrere
>> Felder der Transaktionen(splits): gemäß deutschsprachigen Tooltip nach
>> "Beschreibung, Notizen oder Vermerk". Leider ist der Tooltip nicht
>> konsistent mit den GUI-Bezeichnungen übersetzt, gemeint ist:
>> "Beschreibung" - nach Beschreibung der Transaktion, "Notizen" - nach
>> Bemerkung der Transaktion und "Vermerk" - nach dem Buchungstext des
>> Transaktionssplits.
>> Screenshot anbei.
>> Viele Grüße,
>> Paul
>> Am 23.04.2018 um 07:38 schrieb Wicheramo:
>>> Hallo,
>>> ich muss einmal kurz nachfragen: in den Optionen zum Buchungsbericht
>>> finde ich nur eine Möglichkeit, nach anderen Konten zu filtern (Reiter
>>> "Konten"). Wo kann man nach einer Zeichenkette im Bemerkungsfeld
>>> filtern? Das würde mir sehr weiterhelfen!
>>> Vielen Dank!
>>> Lieben Gruß
>>> Pepe

-------------- nächster Teil --------------
;; transaction-report.scm : Report on all transactions in account(s)
;; Original report by Robert Merkel <rgmerk at mira.net>
;; Contributions by Bryan Larsen <blarsen at ada-works.com>
;; More contributions for new report generation code by Robert Merkel
;; More contributions by Christian Stimming <stimming at tuhh.de>
;; Modified to support the intersection of two account lists by
;; Michael T. Garrison Stuber
;; Modified account names display by Tomas Pospisek
;; <tpo_deb at sourcepole.ch> with a lot of help from "warlord"
;; Refactored by Christopher Lam (2017)
;; - introduced account/transaction substring/regex matcher
;; - add custom sorter in scheme
;; - common currency - optionally show original currency amount
;;   and enable multiple data columns
;; - add support for indenting for better grouping
;; - add defaults suitable for a reconciliation report
;; - add subtotal summary grid
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at gnu.org

(define-module (gnucash report standard-reports transaction))

(use-modules (gnucash utilities)) 
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
(use-modules (srfi srfi-11))
(use-modules (srfi srfi-13))
(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
(use-modules (gnucash gettext))

(gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)

(define-macro (addto! alist element)
  `(set! ,alist (cons ,element ,alist)))

;; Define the strings here to avoid typos and make changes easier.
(define reportname (N_ "Transaction Report"))

(define optname-accounts (N_ "Accounts"))
(define optname-filterby (N_ "Filter By..."))
(define optname-filtertype (N_ "Filter Type"))

(define optname-detail-level (N_ "Detail Level"))
(define optname-grid (N_ "Subtotal Table"))

(define pagename-sorting (N_ "Sorting"))
(define optname-prime-sortkey (N_ "Primary Key"))
(define optname-prime-subtotal (N_ "Primary Subtotal"))
(define optname-prime-sortorder (N_ "Primary Sort Order"))
(define optname-prime-date-subtotal (N_ "Primary Subtotal for Date Key"))
(define optname-full-account-name (N_ "Show Full Account Name"))
(define optname-show-account-code (N_ "Show Account Code"))
(define optname-show-account-description (N_ "Show Account Description"))
(define optname-show-informal-headers (N_ "Show Informal Debit/Credit Headers"))
(define optname-show-subtotals-only (N_ "Show subtotals only (hide transactional data)"))
(define optname-indenting (N_ "Add indenting columns"))
(define optname-sec-sortkey (N_ "Secondary Key"))
(define optname-sec-subtotal (N_ "Secondary Subtotal"))
(define optname-sec-sortorder  (N_ "Secondary Sort Order"))
(define optname-sec-date-subtotal (N_ "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key"))

(define optname-startdate (N_ "Start Date"))
(define optname-enddate (N_ "End Date"))
(define optname-table-export (N_ "Table for Exporting"))
(define optname-common-currency (N_ "Common Currency"))
(define optname-orig-currency (N_ "Show original currency amount"))
(define optname-currency (N_ "Report's currency"))
(define optname-infobox-display (N_ "Add options summary"))

(define pagename-filter (N_ "Filter"))
(define optname-account-matcher (N_ "Account Name Filter"))
(define optname-account-matcher-regex (N_ "Use regular expressions for account name filter"))
(define optname-transaction-matcher (N_ "Transaction Filter"))
(define optname-transaction-matcher-regex (N_ "Use regular expressions for transaction filter"))
(define optname-reconcile-status (N_ "Reconcile Status"))
(define optname-void-transactions (N_ "Void Transactions"))

(define def:grand-total-style "grand-total")
(define def:normal-row-style "normal-row")
(define def:alternate-row-style "alternate-row")
(define def:primary-subtotal-style "primary-subheading")
(define def:secondary-subtotal-style "secondary-subheading")

(define NO-MATCHING-TRANS-HEADER (_ "No matching transactions found"))
(define NO-MATCHING-TRANS-TEXT (_ "No transactions were found that \
match the time interval and account selection specified \
in the Options panel."))

(define DATE-SORTING-TYPES (list 'date 'reconciled-date))

;; The option-values of the sorting key multichoice option, for
;; which a subtotal should be enabled.
(define SUBTOTAL-ENABLED (list 'account-name 'corresponding-acc-name
                               'account-code 'corresponding-acc-code

(define ACCOUNT-SORTING-TYPES (list 'account-name 'corresponding-acc-name
                                    'account-code 'corresponding-acc-code))
(define CUSTOM-SORTING (list 'reconciled-status))

(define SORTKEY-INFORMAL-HEADERS (list 'account-name 'account-code))

(define sortkey-list
  ;; Defines the different sorting keys, as an association-list
  ;; together with the subtotal functions. Each entry:
  ;;  'sortkey             - sort parameter sent via qof-query
  ;;  'split-sortvalue     - function which retrieves number/string used for comparing splits
  ;;  'text                - text displayed in Display tab
  ;;  'tip                 - tooltip displayed in Display tab
  ;;  'renderer-fn         - helper function to select subtotal/subheading renderer
  ;;       behaviour varies according to sortkey.
  ;;       account-types converts split->account
  ;;       #f means the sortkey cannot be subtotalled
  ;;       otherwise it converts split->string
  (list (cons 'account-name  (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACCT-FULLNAME))
                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (gnc-account-get-full-name (xaccSplitGetAccount a))))
                                   (cons 'text (_ "Account Name"))
                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort & subtotal by account name."))
                                   (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetAccount a)))))

        (cons 'account-code (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACCOUNT ACCOUNT-CODE-))
                                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccAccountGetCode (xaccSplitGetAccount a))))
                                  (cons 'text (_ "Account Code"))
                                  (cons 'tip (_ "Sort & subtotal by account code."))
                                  (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetAccount a)))))

        (cons 'date         (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-DATE-POSTED))
                                  (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
                                  (cons 'text (_ "Date"))
                                  (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by date."))
                                  (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))

        (cons 'reconciled-date (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-DATE-RECONCILED))
                                     (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
                                     (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled Date"))
                                     (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by the Reconciled Date."))
                                     (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))

        (cons 'reconciled-status (list (cons 'sortkey #f)
                                       (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (length (memq (xaccSplitGetReconcile s)
                                                                                        '(#\n #\c #\y #\f #\v)))))
                                       (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled Status"))
                                       (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by the Reconciled Status"))
                                       (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (case (xaccSplitGetReconcile s)
                                                                        ((#\y) (_ "Reconciled"))
                                                                        ((#\c) (_ "Cleared"))
                                                                        ((#\n) (_ "Unreconciled"))
                                                                        ((#\f) (_ "Frozen"))
                                                                        ((#\v) (_ "Voided"))
                                                                        (else (_ "Unknown")))))))

        (cons 'register-order (list (cons 'sortkey (list QUERY-DEFAULT-SORT))
                                    (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
                                    (cons 'text (_ "Register Order"))
                                    (cons 'tip (_ "Sort as in the register."))
                                    (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))

        (cons 'corresponding-acc-name (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-CORR-ACCT-NAME))
                                            (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetCorrAccountFullName a)))
                                            (cons 'text (_ "Other Account Name"))
                                            (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by account transferred from/to's name."))
                                            (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit a))))))

        (cons 'corresponding-acc-code (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-CORR-ACCT-CODE))
                                            (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetCorrAccountCode a)))
                                            (cons 'text (_ "Other Account Code"))
                                            (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by account transferred from/to's code."))
                                            (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit a))))))

        (cons 'amount        (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-VALUE))
                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
                                   (cons 'text (_ "Amount"))
                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by amount."))
                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))

        (cons 'description   (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-DESCRIPTION))
                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
                                   (cons 'text (_ "Description"))
                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by description."))
                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))

        (if (and (gnc-current-session-exist)
                 (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))
            (cons 'number    (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACTION))
                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
                                   (cons 'text (_ "Number/Action"))
                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by check number/action."))
                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))

            (cons 'number    (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-NUM))
                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
                                   (cons 'text (_ "Number"))
                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by check/transaction number."))
                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f))))

        (cons 't-number      (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-NUM))
                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
                                   (cons 'text (_ "Transaction Number"))
                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by transaction number."))
                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))

        (cons 'memo          (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-MEMO))
                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
                                   (cons 'text (_ "Memo"))
                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by memo."))
                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))

        (cons 'none          (list (cons 'sortkey '())
                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
                                   (cons 'text (_ "None"))
                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Do not sort."))
                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))))

(define (time64-year t64)    (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64)))
(define (time64-quarter t64) (+ (* 10 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64)))  (gnc:date-get-quarter (gnc-localtime t64))))
(define (time64-month t64)   (+ (* 100 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64))) (gnc:date-get-month (gnc-localtime t64))))
(define (time64-week t64)    (gnc:date-get-week (gnc-localtime t64)))
(define (time64-day t64)     (+ (* 500 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64))) (gnc:date-get-year-day (gnc-localtime t64))))
(define (time64->daily-string t) (qof-print-date t))
(define (split->time64 s) (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s)))

(define date-subtotal-list
  ;; List for date option.
  ;; Defines the different date sorting keys, as an association-list. Each entry:
  ;;  'split-sortvalue     - function which retrieves number/string used for comparing splits
  ;;  'text                - text displayed in Display tab
  ;;  'tip                 - tooltip displayed in Display tab
  ;;  'renderer-fn         - func retrieve string for subtotal/subheading renderer
  ;;         #f means the date sortkey is not grouped
  ;;         otherwise it converts split->string
   (cons 'none (list
                (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
                (cons 'text (_ "None"))
                (cons 'tip (_ "None."))
                (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))

   (cons 'daily (list
                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-day (split->time64 s))))
                  (cons 'text (_ "Daily"))
                  (cons 'tip (_ "Daily."))
                  (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (time64->daily-string (split->time64 s))))))

   (cons 'weekly (list
                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-week (split->time64 s))))
                  (cons 'text (_ "Weekly"))
                  (cons 'tip (_ "Weekly."))
                  (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (gnc:date-get-week-year-string (gnc-localtime (split->time64 s)))))))

   (cons 'monthly (list
                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-month (split->time64 s))))
                   (cons 'text (_ "Monthly"))
                   (cons 'tip (_ "Monthly."))
                   (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (gnc:date-get-month-year-string (gnc-localtime (split->time64 s)))))))

   (cons 'quarterly (list
                     (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-quarter (split->time64 s))))
                     (cons 'text (_ "Quarterly"))
                     (cons 'tip (_ "Quarterly."))
                     (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (gnc:date-get-quarter-year-string (gnc-localtime (split->time64 s)))))))

   (cons 'yearly (list
                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-year (split->time64 s))))
                  (cons 'text (_ "Yearly"))
                  (cons 'tip (_ "Yearly."))
                  (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (gnc:date-get-year-string (gnc-localtime (split->time64 s)))))))))

(define filter-list
   (cons 'none (list
                (cons 'text (_ "None"))
                (cons 'tip (_ "Do not do any filtering."))))

   (cons 'include (list
                   (cons 'text (_ "Include Transactions to/from Filter Accounts"))
                   (cons 'tip (_ "Include transactions to/from filter accounts only."))))

   (cons 'exclude (list
                   (cons 'text (_ "Exclude Transactions to/from Filter Accounts"))
                   (cons 'tip (_ "Exclude transactions to/from all filter accounts."))))))

(define show-void-list
   (cons 'non-void-only (list
                         (cons 'text (_ "Non-void only"))
                         (cons 'tip (_ "Show only non-voided transactions."))))

   (cons 'void-only (list
                     (cons 'text (_ "Void only"))
                     (cons 'tip (_ "Show only voided transactions."))))

   (cons 'both (list
                (cons 'text (_ "Both"))
                (cons 'tip (_ "Show both (and include void transactions in totals)."))))))

(define reconcile-status-list
   (cons 'all
          (cons 'text (_ "All"))
          (cons 'tip (_ "Show All Transactions"))
          (cons 'filter-types #f)))

   (cons 'unreconciled
          (cons 'text (_ "Unreconciled"))
          (cons 'tip (_ "Unreconciled only"))
          (cons 'filter-types (list #\n))))

   (cons 'cleared
          (cons 'text (_ "Cleared"))
          (cons 'tip (_ "Cleared only"))
          (cons 'filter-types (list #\c))))

   (cons 'reconciled
          (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled"))
          (cons 'tip (_ "Reconciled only"))
          (cons 'filter-types (list #\y))))))

(define ascending-list
   (cons 'ascend (list
                  (cons 'text (_ "Ascending"))
                  (cons 'tip (_ "Smallest to largest, earliest to latest."))))
   (cons 'descend (list
                   (cons 'text (_ "Descending"))
                   (cons 'tip (_ "Largest to smallest, latest to earliest."))))))

(define sign-reverse-list
   (cons 'global
          (cons 'text (_ "Use Global Preference"))
          (cons 'tip (_ "Use reversing option specified in global preference."))
          (cons 'acct-types #f)))
   (cons 'none
          (cons 'text (_ "None"))
          (cons 'tip (_ "Don't change any displayed amounts."))
          (cons 'acct-types '())))
   (cons 'income-expense
          (cons 'text (_ "Income and Expense"))
          (cons 'tip (_ "Reverse amount display for Income and Expense Accounts."))
          (cons 'acct-types (list ACCT-TYPE-INCOME ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE))))
   (cons 'credit-accounts
          (cons 'text (_ "Credit Accounts"))
          (cons 'tip (_ "Reverse amount display for Liability, Payable, Equity, \
Credit Card, and Income accounts."))
          (cons 'acct-types (list ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE
                                  ACCT-TYPE-EQUITY ACCT-TYPE-CREDIT

(define (keylist-get-info keylist key info)
  (cdr (assq info (cdr (assq key keylist)))))

(define (keylist->vectorlist keylist)
   (lambda (item)
      (car item)
      (keylist-get-info keylist (car item) 'text)
      (keylist-get-info keylist (car item) 'tip)))

;; Set defaults for reconcilation report
(define (reconcile-report-options-generator)
  (define options (trep-options-generator))
  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey) 'reconciled-status)
  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey)   'date)
  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal) 'none)
  ;; the start date should really be the last-reconcile-date but this information is not
  ;; easily accessible from scheme:
  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-general optname-startdate) (cons 'relative 'start-prev-quarter))
  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-general optname-enddate)   (cons 'relative 'today))
  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Reconciled Date")) #t)
  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Running Balance")) #t)
  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Memo")) #f)

;; Default Transaction Report
(define (trep-options-generator)

  (define options (gnc:new-options))
  (define BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))
  (define (gnc:register-trep-option new-option)
    (gnc:register-option options new-option))

  ;; (Feb 2018) Note to future hackers - this trep-options-generator
  ;; defines a long set of options to be assigned as an object in
  ;; the report. This long list (52 at Feb 2018 count) of options
  ;; may be modified in a derived report (see income-gst-statement.scm)
  ;; via gnc:make-internal! and gnc-unregister-option to hide
  ;; and remove options, respectively. If an option is unregistered,
  ;; don't forget to re-register them via gnc:register-option, unless
  ;; your derived report truly does not require them.

  ;; General options

   options gnc:pagename-general optname-startdate optname-enddate "a")

    gnc:pagename-general optname-common-currency
    "e" (_ "Convert all transactions into a common currency.") #f
    (lambda (x)
        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name options
                                                     optname-currency x)
        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name options
                                                     optname-orig-currency x)))))

   options gnc:pagename-general optname-currency "f")

    gnc:pagename-general optname-orig-currency
    "f1" (_ "Also show original currency amounts") #f))

    gnc:pagename-general optname-table-export
    "g" (_ "Formats the table suitable for cut & paste exporting with extra cells.") #f))

    gnc:pagename-general optname-infobox-display
    "h" (_ "Add summary of options.")
    ;; This is an alist of conditions for displaying the infobox
    ;; 'no-match for empty-report
    ;; 'match for generated report
    (list (vector 'no-match
                  (_ "If no transactions matched")
                  (_ "Display summary if no transactions were matched."))
          (vector 'always
                  (_ "Always")
                  (_ "Always display summary."))
          (vector 'never
                  (_ "Never")
                  (_ "Disable report summary.")))))

  ;; Filtering Options

    pagename-filter optname-account-matcher
    "a5" (_ "Show only accounts whose full name matches this filter e.g. ':Travel' will match \
Expenses:Travel:Holiday and Expenses:Business:Travel. It can be left blank, which will \
disable the filter.")

    pagename-filter optname-account-matcher-regex
    (_ "By default the account filter will search substring only. Set this to true to \
enable full POSIX regular expressions capabilities. 'Car|Flights' will match both \
Expenses:Car and Expenses:Flights. Use a period (.) to match a single character e.g. \
'20../.' will match 'Travel 2017/1 London'. ")

    pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher
    "i1" (_ "Show only transactions where description, notes, or memo matches this filter.
e.g. '#gift' will find all transactions with #gift in description, notes or memo. It can be left \
blank, which will disable the filter.")

    pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher-regex
    (_ "By default the transaction filter will search substring only. Set this to true to \
enable full POSIX regular expressions capabilities. '#work|#family' will match both \
tags within description, notes or memo. ")

    pagename-filter optname-reconcile-status
    "j1" (_ "Filter by reconcile status.")
    (keylist->vectorlist reconcile-status-list)))

    pagename-filter optname-void-transactions
    "k" (N_ "How to handle void transactions.")
    (keylist->vectorlist show-void-list)))

  ;; Accounts options

  ;; account to do report on
    gnc:pagename-accounts optname-accounts
    "a" (_ "Report on these accounts.")
    ;; select, by default, no accounts! Selecting all accounts will
    ;; always imply an insanely long waiting time upon opening, and it
    ;; is almost never useful. So we instead display the normal error
    ;; message saying "Click here", and the user knows how to
    ;; continue.
    (lambda ()
    #f #t))

    gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filterby
    "c1" (_ "Filter on these accounts.")
    (lambda ()
    #f #t))

    gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filtertype
    "c" (_ "Filter account.")
    (keylist->vectorlist filter-list)
    (lambda (x)
       options gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filterby
       (not (eq? x 'none))))))

  ;; Sorting options

  (let ((ascending-choice-list (keylist->vectorlist ascending-list))
        (key-choice-list (keylist->vectorlist sortkey-list))
        (date-subtotal-choice-list (keylist->vectorlist date-subtotal-list))
        (prime-sortkey 'account-name)
        (prime-sortkey-subtotal-true #t)
        (sec-sortkey 'register-order)
        (sec-sortkey-subtotal-true #f))

    (define (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options)
      (let* ((prime-sortkey-enabled (not (eq? prime-sortkey 'none)))
             (prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled (member prime-sortkey SUBTOTAL-ENABLED))
             (prime-date-sortingtype-enabled (member prime-sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES))
             (sec-sortkey-enabled (not (eq? sec-sortkey 'none)))
             (sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled (member sec-sortkey SUBTOTAL-ENABLED))
             (sec-date-sortingtype-enabled (member sec-sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)))

         options pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal

         options pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortorder

         options pagename-sorting optname-sec-subtotal

         options pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortorder

         options pagename-sorting optname-full-account-name
         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)))

         options pagename-sorting optname-show-account-code
         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)))

         options pagename-sorting optname-show-account-description
         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)))

         options pagename-sorting optname-indenting
         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)))

         options pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only
         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)))

         options pagename-sorting optname-show-informal-headers
         (or (member prime-sortkey (list 'account-name 'account-code))
             (member sec-sortkey (list 'account-name 'account-code))))

         options pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal

         options pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal

    ;; primary sorting criterion
      pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey
      "a" (_ "Sort by this criterion first.")
      key-choice-list #f
      (lambda (x)
        (set! prime-sortkey x)

      pagename-sorting optname-full-account-name
      (_ "Show the full account name for subtotals and subheadings?")

      pagename-sorting optname-show-account-code
      (_ "Show the account code for subtotals and subheadings?")

      pagename-sorting optname-show-account-description
      (_ "Show the account description for subheadings?")

      pagename-sorting optname-show-informal-headers
      (_ "Show the informal headers for debit/credit accounts?")

      pagename-sorting optname-indenting
      (_ "Add indenting columns with grouping and subtotals?")

      pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only
      (_ "Show subtotals only, hiding transactional detail?")

      pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal
      (_ "Subtotal according to the primary key?")
      prime-sortkey-subtotal-true #f
      (lambda (x)
        (set! prime-sortkey-subtotal-true x)

      pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal
      "e2" (_ "Do a date subtotal.")

      pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortorder
      "e" (_ "Order of primary sorting.")

    ;; Secondary sorting criterion
      pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey
      (_ "Sort by this criterion second.")
      key-choice-list #f
      (lambda (x)
        (set! sec-sortkey x)

      pagename-sorting optname-sec-subtotal
      (_ "Subtotal according to the secondary key?")
      sec-sortkey-subtotal-true #f
      (lambda (x)
        (set! sec-sortkey-subtotal-true x)

      pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal
      "i2" (_ "Do a date subtotal.")

      pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortorder
      "i" (_ "Order of Secondary sorting.")

  ;; Display options

  (let ((disp-memo? #t)
        (disp-accname? #t)
        (disp-other-accname? #f)
        (detail-is-single? #t)
        (amount-is-single? #t))

    (define (apply-selectable-by-name-display-options)
       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Account Name")

       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Name")

       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Sign Reverses")

       options gnc:pagename-display optname-grid

       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name")
       (and disp-other-accname? detail-is-single?))

       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Code")

       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Notes")

     (lambda (l)
         gnc:pagename-display (car l) (cadr l) (caddr l) (cadddr l))))
     ;; One list per option here with: option-name, sort-tag,
     ;; help-string, default-value
      (list (N_ "Date")                         "a"  (_ "Display the date?") #t)
      (list (N_ "Reconciled Date")              "a2" (_ "Display the reconciled date?") #f)
          (list (N_ "Num/Action")               "b"  (_ "Display the check number?") #t)
          (list (N_ "Num")                      "b"  (_ "Display the check number?") #t))
      (list (N_ "Description")                  "c"  (_ "Display the description?") #t)
      (list (N_ "Notes")                        "d2" (_ "Display the notes if the memo is unavailable?") #t)
      ;; account name option appears here
      (list (N_ "Use Full Account Name")        "f"  (_ "Display the full account name?") #t)
      (list (N_ "Account Code")                 "g"  (_ "Display the account code?") #f)
      ;; other account name option appears here
      (list (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name")  "i"  (_ "Display the full account name?") #f)
      (list (N_ "Other Account Code")           "j"  (_ "Display the other account code?") #f)
      (list (N_ "Shares")                       "k"  (_ "Display the number of shares?") #f)
      (list (N_ "Price")                        "l"  (_ "Display the shares price?") #f)
      ;; note the "Amount" multichoice option in between here
      (list optname-grid                        "m5" (_ "Display a subtotal summary table. This requires Display/Amount being 'single") #f)
      (list (N_ "Running Balance")              "n"  (_ "Display a running balance?") #f)
      (list (N_ "Totals")                       "o"  (_ "Display the totals?") #t)))

          gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Trans Number")
          "b2" (_ "Display the trans number?") #f)))

    ;; Add an option to display the memo, and disable the notes option
    ;; when memos are not included.
      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Memo")
      "d"  (_ "Display the memo?") #t
      (lambda (x)
        (set! disp-memo? x)

    ;; Ditto for Account Name #t -> Use Full Account Name is selectable
      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Account Name")
      "e"  (_ "Display the account name?") #t
      (lambda (x)
        (set! disp-accname? x)

    ;; Ditto for Other Account Name #t -> Use Full Other Account Name is selectable
      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Name")
      "h5"  (_ "Display the other account name? (if this is a split transaction, this parameter is guessed).") #f
      (lambda (x)
        (set! disp-other-accname? x)

      gnc:pagename-display optname-detail-level
      "h" (_ "Amount of detail to display per transaction.")
      (list (vector 'multi-line
                    (_ "Multi-Line")
                    (_ "Display all splits in a transaction on a separate line."))
            (vector 'single
                    (_ "Single")
                    (_ "Display one line per transaction, merging multiple splits where required.")))
      (lambda (x)
        (set! detail-is-single? (eq? x 'single))

      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount")
      "m" (_ "Display the amount?")
       (vector 'none   (_ "None") (_ "No amount display."))
       (vector 'single (_ "Single") (_ "Single Column Display."))
       (vector 'double (_ "Double") (_ "Two Column Display.")))
      (lambda (x)
        (set! amount-is-single? (eq? x 'single))

      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Sign Reverses")
      "m1" (_ "Reverse amount display for certain account types.")
      (keylist->vectorlist sign-reverse-list))))

  ;; this hidden option will toggle whether the default
  ;; qof-query is run, or a different query which ensures
  ;; no transaction is duplicated. It can be enabled in
  ;; a derived report (eg income-gst-statement.scm)
   (gnc:make-internal-option "__trep" "unique-transactions" #f))

  (gnc:options-set-default-section options gnc:pagename-general)

;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Here comes the big function that builds the whole table.

(define (make-split-table splits options custom-calculated-cells)

  (define (opt-val section name)
    (let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
      (if option
          (gnc:option-value option)
          (gnc:error "gnc:lookup-option error: " section "/" name))))
  (define BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))

  (define (build-columns-used)
    (define detail-is-single? (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-detail-level) 'single))
    (define amount-setting (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount")))
    (list (cons 'date (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Date")))
          (cons 'reconciled-date (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Reconciled Date")))
          (cons 'num (if BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION
                         (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Num/Action"))
                         (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Num"))))
          (cons 'description (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Description")))
          (cons 'account-name (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Account Name")))
          (cons 'other-account-name (and detail-is-single?
                                         (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Name"))))
          (cons 'shares (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Shares")))
          (cons 'price (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Price")))
          (cons 'amount-single (eq? amount-setting 'single))
          (cons 'amount-double (eq? amount-setting 'double))
          (cons 'common-currency (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-common-currency))
          (cons 'amount-original-currency
                (and (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-common-currency)
                     (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-orig-currency)))
          (cons 'indenting (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-indenting))
          (cons 'subtotals-only (and (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only)
                                     (or (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
                                         (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn))))
          (cons 'running-balance (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Running Balance")))
          (cons 'account-full-name (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Account Name")))
          (cons 'memo (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Memo")))
          (cons 'account-code (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Account Code")))
          (cons 'other-account-code (and detail-is-single?
                                         (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Code"))))
          (cons 'other-account-full-name (and detail-is-single?
                                              (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name"))))
          (cons 'sort-account-code (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Account Code")))
          (cons 'sort-account-full-name (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Full Account Name")))
          (cons 'sort-account-description (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Account Description")))
          (cons 'notes (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Notes")))))

  (define (primary-get-info info)
    (let ((sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey)))
      (if (member sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
          (keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal) info)
          (and (member sortkey SUBTOTAL-ENABLED)
               (and (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal)
                    (keylist-get-info sortkey-list sortkey info))))))

  (define (secondary-get-info info)
    (let ((sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey)))
      (if (member sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
          (keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal) info)
          (and (member sortkey SUBTOTAL-ENABLED)
               (and (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-subtotal)
                    (keylist-get-info sortkey-list sortkey info))))))

  (let* ((work-to-do (length splits))
         (work-done 0)
         (table (gnc:make-html-table))
         (used-columns (build-columns-used))
          (keylist-get-info sign-reverse-list
                            (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Sign Reverses"))
         (is-multiline? (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-detail-level) 'multi-line))
         (export? (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-table-export)))

    (define (column-uses? param)
      (cdr (assq param used-columns)))

    (define left-columns
      (let* ((add-if (lambda (pred? . items) (if pred? items '())))
               (add-if (column-uses? 'date)
                       (vector (_ "Date")
                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
                                 (if transaction-row?
                                      (qof-print-date (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent split))))

               (add-if (column-uses? 'reconciled-date)
                       (vector (_ "Reconciled Date")
                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
                                  (if (eqv? (xaccSplitGetReconcile split) #\y)
                                      (qof-print-date (xaccSplitGetDateReconciled split))

               (add-if (column-uses? 'num)
                       (vector (if (and BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION
                                        (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Trans Number")))
                                   (_ "Num/T-Num")
                                   (_ "Num"))
                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
                                 (let* ((trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
                                        (num (gnc-get-num-action trans split))
                                        (t-num (if (and BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION
                                                        (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Trans Number")))
                                                   (gnc-get-num-action trans #f)
                                        (num-string (if (string-null? t-num)
                                                        (string-append num "/" t-num))))
                                   (if transaction-row?
                                       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "text-cell" num-string)

               (add-if (column-uses? 'description)
                       (vector (_ "Description")
                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
                                 (define trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
                                 (if transaction-row?
                                      (xaccTransGetDescription trans))

               (add-if (column-uses? 'memo)
                       (vector (if (column-uses? 'notes)
                                   (string-append (_ "Memo") "/" (_ "Notes"))
                                   (_ "Memo"))
                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
                                 (define trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
                                 (define memo (xaccSplitGetMemo split))
                                 (if (and (string-null? memo) (column-uses? 'notes))
                                     (xaccTransGetNotes trans)

               (add-if (or (column-uses? 'account-name) (column-uses? 'account-code))
                       (vector (_ "Account")
                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
                                 (define account (xaccSplitGetAccount split))
                                 (account-namestring account
                                                     (column-uses? 'account-code)
                                                     (column-uses? 'account-name)
                                                     (column-uses? 'account-full-name)))))

               (add-if (or (column-uses? 'other-account-name) (column-uses? 'other-account-code))
                       (vector (_ "Transfer from/to")
                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
                                 (define other-account (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split)))
                                 (account-namestring other-account
                                                     (column-uses? 'other-account-code)
                                                     (column-uses? 'other-account-name)
                                                     (column-uses? 'other-account-full-name)))))

               (add-if (column-uses? 'shares)
                       (vector (_ "Shares")
                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
                                  (xaccSplitGetAmount split)))))

               (add-if (column-uses? 'price)
                       (vector (_ "Price")
                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
                                 ;; share price is retrieved as an exact rational; convert for
                                 ;; presentation to decimal, rounded to the currency SCU, optionally
                                 ;; increasing precision by 2 significant digits.
                                 (let* ((currency (xaccTransGetCurrency (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
                                        (scu (gnc-commodity-get-fraction currency))
                                        (price (xaccSplitGetSharePrice split))
                                        (price-decimal (gnc-numeric-convert price
                                                                            (if (< scu 10000)
                                                                                (* scu 100)
                                    (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency price-decimal)))))))))

        (if (and (null? left-cols-list)
                 (or (opt-val gnc:pagename-display "Totals")
                     (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
                     (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn)))
            (list (vector "" (lambda (s t) #f)))

    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;; calculated-cells
    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    (define default-calculated-cells
          ((damount (lambda (s) (if (gnc:split-voided? s)
                                    (xaccSplitVoidFormerAmount s)
                                    (xaccSplitGetAmount s))))
           (trans-date (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s))))
           (currency (lambda (s) (xaccAccountGetCommodity (xaccSplitGetAccount s))))
           (report-currency (lambda (s) (if (column-uses? 'common-currency)
                                            (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-currency)
                                            (currency s))))
           (friendly-debit (lambda (a) (gnc:get-debit-string (xaccAccountGetType a))))
           (friendly-credit (lambda (a) (gnc:get-credit-string (xaccAccountGetType a))))
           (header-commodity (lambda (str)
                                (if (column-uses? 'common-currency)
                                     "<br />"
                                      (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-currency)))
           (convert (lambda (s num)
                       (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (currency s) num)
                       (report-currency s)
                       ;; Use midday as the transaction time so it matches a price
                       ;; on the same day.  Otherwise it uses midnight which will
                       ;; likely match a price on the previous day
                       (time64CanonicalDayTime (trans-date s)))))
           (split-value (lambda (s) (convert s (damount s)))) ; used for correct debit/credit
           (amount (lambda (s) (split-value s)))
           (debit-amount (lambda (s) (and (positive? (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (split-value s)))
                                          (split-value s))))
           (credit-amount (lambda (s) (if (positive? (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (split-value s)))
                                          (gnc:monetary-neg (split-value s)))))
           (original-amount (lambda (s) (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (currency s) (damount s))))
           (original-debit-amount (lambda (s) (if (positive? (damount s))
                                                  (original-amount s)
           (original-credit-amount (lambda (s) (if (positive? (damount s))
                                                   (gnc:monetary-neg (original-amount s)))))
           (running-balance (lambda (s) (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (currency s) (xaccSplitGetBalance s)))))
         ;; each column will be a vector
         ;; (vector heading
         ;;         calculator-function                          ;; (calculator-function split) to obtain amount
         ;;         reverse-column?                              ;; #t to allow reverse signs
         ;;         subtotal?                                    ;; #t to allow subtotals (ie must be #f for running balance)
         ;;         start-dual-column?                           ;; #t for the debit side of a dual column (i.e. debit/credit)
         ;;                                                      ;; which means the next column must be the credit side
         ;;         friendly-heading-fn                          ;; (friendly-heading-fn account) to retrieve friendly name for account debit/credit
         (if (column-uses? 'amount-single)
             (list (vector (header-commodity (_ "Amount"))
                           amount #t #t #f
                           (lambda (a) "")))
         (if (column-uses? 'amount-double)
             (list (vector (header-commodity (_ "Debit"))
                           debit-amount #f #t #t
                   (vector (header-commodity (_ "Credit"))
                           credit-amount #f #t #f

         (if (and (column-uses? 'amount-original-currency)
                  (column-uses? 'amount-single))
             (list (vector (_ "Amount")
                           original-amount #t #t #f
                           (lambda (a) "")))

         (if (and (column-uses? 'amount-original-currency)
                  (column-uses? 'amount-double))
             (list (vector (_ "Debit")
                           original-debit-amount #f #t #t
                   (vector (_ "Credit")
                           original-credit-amount #f #t #f

         (if (column-uses? 'running-balance)
             (list (vector (_ "Running Balance")
                           running-balance #t #f #f
                           (lambda (a) "")))

    (define calculated-cells
      ;; this part will check whether custom-calculated-cells were specified. this
      ;; describes a custom function which consumes an options list, and generates
      ;; a vectorlist similar to default-calculated-cells as above.
      (if custom-calculated-cells
          (custom-calculated-cells options)

    (define headings-left-columns
      (map (lambda (column)
             (vector-ref column 0))

    (define headings-right-columns
      (map (lambda (column)
             (vector-ref column 0))

    (define width-left-columns (length left-columns))
    (define width-right-columns (length calculated-cells))

    (define primary-indent
      (if (and (column-uses? 'indenting)
               (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn))
          1 0))

    (define secondary-indent
      (if (and (column-uses? 'indenting)
               (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn))
          1 0))

    (define indent-level
      (+ primary-indent secondary-indent))

    (define (add-subheading data subheading-style split level)
      (let* ((row-contents '())
             (sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting
                               (case level
                                 ((primary) optname-prime-sortkey)
                                 ((secondary) optname-sec-sortkey))))
             (left-indent (case level
                            ((primary total) 0)
                            ((secondary) primary-indent)))
             (right-indent (- indent-level left-indent)))
        (for-each (lambda (cell) (addto! row-contents cell))
                  (gnc:html-make-empty-cells left-indent))
        (if (and (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-show-informal-headers)
                 (column-uses? 'amount-double)
                 (member sortkey SORTKEY-INFORMAL-HEADERS))
              (if export?
                    (addto! row-contents (gnc:make-html-table-cell data))
                    (for-each (lambda (cell) (addto! row-contents cell))
                              (gnc:html-make-empty-cells (+ right-indent width-left-columns -1))))
                  (addto! row-contents (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
                                        1 (+ right-indent width-left-columns) data)))
              (for-each (lambda (cell)
                          (addto! row-contents
                                   ((vector-ref cell 5)
                                    ((keylist-get-info sortkey-list sortkey 'renderer-fn) split))
            (addto! row-contents (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
                                  1 (+ right-indent width-left-columns width-right-columns) data)))

        (if (not (column-uses? 'subtotals-only))
            (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table subheading-style (reverse row-contents)))))

    (define (add-subtotal-row subtotal-string subtotal-collectors subtotal-style level row col)
      (let* ((row-contents '())
             (left-indent (case level
                            ((total) 0)
                            ((primary) primary-indent)
                            ((secondary) (+ primary-indent secondary-indent))))
             (right-indent (- indent-level left-indent))
             (merge-list (map (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 4)) calculated-cells))
             (columns (map (lambda (coll) (coll 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f)) subtotal-collectors))
             (list-of-commodities (delete-duplicates (map gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (concatenate columns))

        (define (retrieve-commodity list-of-monetary commodity)
          (if (null? list-of-monetary)
              (if (gnc-commodity-equal (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (car list-of-monetary)) commodity)
                  (car list-of-monetary)
                  (retrieve-commodity (cdr list-of-monetary) commodity))))

        (define (add-first-column string)
          (if export?
                (addto! row-contents (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "total-label-cell" string))
                (for-each (lambda (cell) (addto! row-contents cell))
                          (gnc:html-make-empty-cells (+ right-indent width-left-columns -1))))
              (addto! row-contents (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup 1 (+ right-indent width-left-columns) "total-label-cell" string))))

        (define (add-columns commodity)
          (let ((start-dual-column? #f)
                (dual-subtotal #f))
            (for-each (lambda (column merge-entry)
                        (let* ((mon (retrieve-commodity column commodity))
                               (column-amount (and mon (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount mon)))
                               (merge? merge-entry))
                          (if merge?
                              ;; We're merging. If a subtotal exists, store
                              ;; it in dual-subtotal. Do NOT add column to row.
                                (set! dual-subtotal column-amount)
                                (set! start-dual-column? #t))
                              (if start-dual-column?
                                    ;; We've completed merging. Add the negated
                                    ;; column amount and add the columns to row.
                                    (if column-amount
                                        (set! dual-subtotal
                                          (- (or dual-subtotal 0) column-amount)))
                                    (cond ((not dual-subtotal)
                                           (addto! row-contents "")
                                           (addto! row-contents ""))
                                          ((positive? dual-subtotal)
                                           (addto! row-contents
                                           (addto! row-contents ""))
                                           (addto! row-contents "")
                                           (addto! row-contents
                                                     (- dual-subtotal))))))
                                    (set! start-dual-column? #f)
                                    (set! dual-subtotal #f))
                                  ;; Default; not merging/completed merge. Just
                                  ;; display monetary amount
                                  (addto! row-contents
                                          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "total-number-cell" mon))))))

        ;; we only wish to add the first column into the grid.
        (if (pair? columns)
            (set! grid (grid-add grid row col (car columns))))

        ;;first row
        (for-each (lambda (cell) (addto! row-contents cell))
                  (gnc:html-make-empty-cells left-indent))
        (add-first-column subtotal-string)
        (add-columns (if (pair? list-of-commodities)
                         (car list-of-commodities)
                         #f)) ;to account for empty-row subtotals
        (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table subtotal-style (reverse row-contents))

        ;;subsequent rows
        (if (pair? list-of-commodities)
            (for-each (lambda (commodity)
                        (set! row-contents '())
                        (for-each (lambda (cell) (addto! row-contents cell))
                                  (gnc:html-make-empty-cells left-indent))
                        (add-first-column "")
                        (add-columns commodity)
                        (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table subtotal-style (reverse row-contents)))
                      (cdr list-of-commodities)))))

    (define (total-string str) (string-append (_ "Total For ") str))

    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    ;; renderers

    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    ;; display an account name depending on the options the user has set
    (define (account-namestring account show-account-code? show-account-name? show-account-full-name?)
      ;;# on multi-line splits we can get an empty ('()) account
      (if (null? account)
          (_ "Split Transaction")
           ;; display account code?
           (if show-account-code?
               (string-append (xaccAccountGetCode account) " ")
           ;; display account name?
           (if show-account-name?
               ;; display full account name?
               (if show-account-full-name?
                   (gnc-account-get-full-name account)
                   (xaccAccountGetName account))

    ;; retrieve date renderer from the date-subtotal-list
    (define (render-date date-subtotal-key split)
      ((keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list date-subtotal-key 'renderer-fn) split))

    ;; generate account name, optionally with anchor to account register
    (define (render-account sortkey split anchor?)
      (let* ((account ((keylist-get-info sortkey-list sortkey 'renderer-fn) split))
             (name (account-namestring account
                                       (column-uses? 'sort-account-code)
                                       (column-uses? 'sort-account-full-name)))
             (description (if (and (column-uses? 'sort-account-description)
                                   (not (string-null? (xaccAccountGetDescription account))))
                              (string-append ": " (xaccAccountGetDescription account))
        (if (and anchor? (not (null? account))) ;html anchor for 2-split transactions only
             (gnc:html-markup-anchor (gnc:account-anchor-text account) name)

    ;; generic renderer. retrieve renderer-fn which should return a str
    (define (render-generic sortkey split)
      ((keylist-get-info sortkey-list sortkey 'renderer-fn) split))

    (define (render-summary split level anchor?)
      (let ((sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting
                              (case level
                                ((primary) optname-prime-sortkey)
                                ((secondary) optname-sec-sortkey))))
            (date-subtotal-key (opt-val pagename-sorting
                                        (case level
                                          ((primary) optname-prime-date-subtotal)
                                          ((secondary) optname-sec-date-subtotal)))))
         ((member sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
          (render-date date-subtotal-key split))
         ((member sortkey ACCOUNT-SORTING-TYPES)
          (render-account sortkey split anchor?))
         ((eq? sortkey 'reconciled-status)
          (render-generic sortkey split)))))

    (define (render-grand-total)
      (_ "Grand Total"))

    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;; add-split-row
    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    (define (add-split-row split cell-calculators row-style transaction-row?)
      (let* ((row-contents '())
             (trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
             (account (xaccSplitGetAccount split)))

        (define left-cols
          (map (lambda (left-col)
                 (let* ((col-fn (vector-ref left-col 1))
                        (col-data (col-fn split transaction-row?)))

        (define cells
          (map (lambda (cell)
                 (let* ((calculator (vector-ref cell 1))
                        (reverse? (vector-ref cell 2))
                        (subtotal? (vector-ref cell 3))
                        (calculated (calculator split)))
                   (vector calculated

        (for-each (lambda (cell) (addto! row-contents cell))
                  (gnc:html-make-empty-cells indent-level))

        (for-each (lambda (col)
                    (addto! row-contents col))

        (for-each (lambda (cell)
                    (let ((cell-content (vector-ref cell 0))
                          ;; reverse? returns a bool - will check if the cell type has reversible sign,
                          ;; whether the account is also reversible according to Report Option, or
                          ;; if Report Option follows Global Settings, will retrieve bool from it.
                          (reverse? (and (vector-ref cell 1)
                                         (if account-types-to-reverse
                                             (member (xaccAccountGetType account) account-types-to-reverse)
                                             (gnc-reverse-balance account)))))
                      (if cell-content
                          (addto! row-contents
                                    ;; if conditions for reverse are satisfied, apply sign reverse to
                                    ;; monetary amount
                                    (if reverse?
                                        (gnc:monetary-neg cell-content)
                          (addto! row-contents (gnc:html-make-empty-cell)))))

        (if (not (column-uses? 'subtotals-only))
            (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table row-style (reverse row-contents)))

        (map (lambda (cell)
               (let ((cell-content (vector-ref cell 0))
                     (subtotal? (vector-ref cell 2)))
                 (and subtotal? cell-content)))

    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    ;; do-rows-with-subtotals

    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    (define primary-subtotal-collectors
      (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) calculated-cells))

    (define secondary-subtotal-collectors
      (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) calculated-cells))

    (define total-collectors
      (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) calculated-cells))

    (define (do-rows-with-subtotals splits odd-row?)
      (define primary-subtotal-comparator (primary-get-info 'split-sortvalue))
      (define secondary-subtotal-comparator (secondary-get-info 'split-sortvalue))

      (gnc:report-percent-done (* 100 (/ work-done work-to-do)))

      (set! work-done (+ 1 work-done))

      (if (null? splits)

          (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display "Totals")
                 table def:grand-total-style
                   1 (+ indent-level width-left-columns width-right-columns)
                   (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr)))))

                (add-subtotal-row (render-grand-total) total-collectors def:grand-total-style 'total 'row-total 'col-total)))

          (let* ((current (car splits))
                 (rest (cdr splits))
                 (next (if (null? rest) #f (car rest)))
                 (split-values (add-split-row
                                (if is-multiline? def:normal-row-style
                                    (if odd-row?

            (if is-multiline?
                 (lambda (othersplits)
                   (add-split-row othersplits calculated-cells def:alternate-row-style #f))
                 (delete current (xaccTransGetSplitList (xaccSplitGetParent current)))))

            (map (lambda (collector value)
                   (if value
                       (collector 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value))))

            (map (lambda (collector value)
                   (if value
                       (collector 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value))))

            (map (lambda (collector value)
                   (if value
                       (collector 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value))))

            (if (and primary-subtotal-comparator
                     (or (not next)
                         (and next
                              (not (equal? (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
                                           (primary-subtotal-comparator next))))))

                  (if secondary-subtotal-comparator
                        (add-subtotal-row (total-string
                                           (render-summary current 'secondary #f))
                                          (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
                                                (render-summary current 'primary #f))
                                          (cons (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
                                                (render-summary current 'secondary #f)))
                        (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
                  (add-subtotal-row (total-string
                                     (render-summary current 'primary #f))
                                    (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
                                          (render-summary current 'primary #f))
                  (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
                  (if next
                        (add-subheading (render-summary next 'primary #t)
                                        def:primary-subtotal-style next 'primary)
                        (if secondary-subtotal-comparator
                            (add-subheading (render-summary next 'secondary #t)
                                            def:secondary-subtotal-style next 'secondary)))))

                (if (and secondary-subtotal-comparator
                         (or (not next)
                             (and next
                                  (not (equal? (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
                                               (secondary-subtotal-comparator next))))))
                    (begin (add-subtotal-row (total-string
                                              (render-summary current 'secondary #f))
                                             (if primary-subtotal-comparator
                                                 (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
                                                       (render-summary current 'primary #f))
                                                 (cons #f ""))
                                             (cons (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
                                                   (render-summary current 'secondary #f)))
                           (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
                           (if next
                               (add-subheading (render-summary next 'secondary #t)
                                               def:secondary-subtotal-style next 'secondary)))))

            (do-rows-with-subtotals rest (not odd-row?)))))

    (define grid (make-grid))

    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers! table (concatenate (list
                                                         (gnc:html-make-empty-cells indent-level)

    (if (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
        (add-subheading (render-summary (car splits) 'primary #t)
                        def:primary-subtotal-style (car splits) 'primary))

    (if (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
        (add-subheading (render-summary (car splits) 'secondary #t)
                        def:secondary-subtotal-style (car splits) 'secondary))

    (do-rows-with-subtotals splits #t)

    (values table

;; grid data structure
(define (make-grid)
(define (grid-get grid row col)    ; grid filter - get all row/col - if #f then retrieve whole row/col
   (lambda (cell)
     (and (or (not row) (equal? row (vector-ref cell 0)))
          (or (not col) (equal? col (vector-ref cell 1)))))
(define (grid-del grid row col)    ; grid filter - del all row/col - if #f then delete whole row/col - CAREFUL!
   (lambda (cell)
     (not (and (or (not row) (equal? row (vector-ref cell 0)))
               (or (not col) (equal? col (vector-ref cell 1))))))
(define (grid-rows grid)
  (delete-duplicates (map (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 0)) grid)))
(define (grid-cols grid)
  (delete-duplicates (map (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 1)) grid)))
(define (grid-add grid row col data)            ;-> misonomer - we don't 'add' to existing data,
  (set! grid (grid-del grid row col))           ;we simply delete old data stored at row/col and 
  (set! grid (cons (vector row col data) grid)) ;add again. this is fine because the grid should
  grid)                                         ;never have duplicate data in the trep.
(define (grid->html grid list-of-rows list-of-cols)
  (define (cell->html cell)
    (if (pair? cell)
        (string-append "<td class=\"number-cell\">"
                       (string-join (map gnc:monetary->string
                                         (vector-ref (car cell) 2))
  (define (row->html row list-of-cols)
    (string-append "<tr><td>"
                   (if (eq? row 'row-total)
                       (_ "Grand Total")
                       (cdr row))
                   (string-join (map
                                 (lambda (col) (cell->html (grid-get grid row col)))
                                 list-of-cols) "")
                   (cell->html (grid-get grid row 'col-total))
  (string-append "<table class=\"summary-table\"><caption>"
                 (string-join (map (lambda (col)
                                     (string-append "<th class=\"column-heading-right\">"
                                                    (cdr col)
                                                    "</th>\n")) list-of-cols) "")
                 "<th class=\"column-heading-right\">"
                 (_ "Total")
                 (string-join (map (lambda (row)
                                     (row->html row list-of-cols))
                                   list-of-rows) "")
                 (if (memq 'row-total (grid-rows grid))
                     (row->html 'row-total list-of-cols)

;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Here comes the renderer function for this report.

(define* (trep-renderer report-obj #:key custom-calculated-cells empty-report-message custom-split-filter)
  ;; the trep-renderer is a define* function which, at minimum, takes the report object
  ;; the optional arguments are:
  ;; #:custom-calculated-cells - a list of vectors to define customized data columns
  ;; #:empty-report-message - a str which is displayed at the initial report opening
  ;; #:custom-split-filter - a split->bool function to add to the split filter

  (define options (gnc:report-options report-obj))
  (define (opt-val section name) (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
  (define BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))

  (define (is-filter-member split account-list)
    (let* ((txn (xaccSplitGetParent split))
           (splitcount (xaccTransCountSplits txn))
           (other-account (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split)))
           (splits-equal? (lambda (s1 s2) (xaccSplitEqual s1 s2 #t #f #f)))
           (other-splits (delete split (xaccTransGetSplitList txn) splits-equal?))
           (other-accounts (map xaccSplitGetAccount other-splits))
           (is-in-account-list? (lambda (acc) (member acc account-list))))
        ;; A 2-split transaction - test separately so it can be optimized
        ;; to significantly reduce the number of splits to traverse
        ;; in guile code
        ((= splitcount 2) (is-in-account-list? other-account))
        ;; A multi-split transaction - run over all splits
        ((> splitcount 2) (or-map is-in-account-list? other-accounts))
        ;; Single transaction splits
        (else #f))))

  (gnc:report-starting reportname)

  (let* ((document (gnc:make-html-document))
         (account-matcher (opt-val pagename-filter optname-account-matcher))
         (account-matcher-regexp (and (opt-val pagename-filter optname-account-matcher-regex)
                                      (make-regexp account-matcher)))
         (c_account_0 (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts optname-accounts))
         (c_account_1 (filter
                       (lambda (acc)
                         (if account-matcher-regexp
                             (regexp-exec account-matcher-regexp (gnc-account-get-full-name acc))
                             (string-contains (gnc-account-get-full-name acc) account-matcher)))
         (c_account_2 (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filterby))
         (filter-mode (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filtertype))
         (begindate (gnc:time64-start-day-time
                      (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-startdate))))
         (enddate (gnc:time64-end-day-time
                    (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-enddate))))
         (transaction-matcher (opt-val pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher))
         (transaction-matcher-regexp (and (opt-val pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher-regex)
                                          (make-regexp transaction-matcher)))
         (reconcile-status-filter (keylist-get-info reconcile-status-list
                                                    (opt-val pagename-filter optname-reconcile-status)
         (report-title (opt-val gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname))
         (primary-key (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey))
         (primary-order (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortorder))
         (primary-date-subtotal (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal))
         (secondary-key (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey))
         (secondary-order (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortorder))
         (secondary-date-subtotal (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal))
         (void-status (opt-val pagename-filter optname-void-transactions))
         (splits '())
         (custom-sort? (or (and (member primary-key DATE-SORTING-TYPES)   ; this will remain
                                (not (eq? primary-date-subtotal 'none)))  ; until qof-query
                           (and (member secondary-key DATE-SORTING-TYPES) ; is upgraded
                                (not (eq? secondary-date-subtotal 'none)))
                           (or (member primary-key CUSTOM-SORTING)
                               (member secondary-key CUSTOM-SORTING))))
         (infobox-display (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-infobox-display))
         (query (qof-query-create-for-splits)))

    (define (generic-less? X Y key date-subtotal ascend?)
      (define comparator-function
        (if (member key DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
            (let ((date (lambda (s)
                          (case key
                            ((date) (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s)))
                            ((reconciled-date) (xaccSplitGetDateReconciled s))))))
              (case date-subtotal
                ((yearly)    (lambda (s) (time64-year (date s))))
                ((monthly)   (lambda (s) (time64-month (date s))))
                ((quarterly) (lambda (s) (time64-quarter (date s))))
                ((weekly)    (lambda (s) (time64-week (date s))))
                ((daily)     (lambda (s) (time64-day (date s))))
                ((none)      (lambda (s) (date s)))))
            (case key
              ((account-name) (lambda (s) (gnc-account-get-full-name (xaccSplitGetAccount s))))
              ((account-code) (lambda (s) (xaccAccountGetCode (xaccSplitGetAccount s))))
              ((corresponding-acc-name) (lambda (s) (xaccSplitGetCorrAccountFullName s)))
              ((corresponding-acc-code) (lambda (s) (xaccSplitGetCorrAccountCode s)))
              ((reconciled-status) (lambda (s) (length (memq (xaccSplitGetReconcile s)
                                                             '(#\n #\c #\y #\f #\v)))))
              ((amount) (lambda (s) (gnc-numeric-to-scm (xaccSplitGetValue s))))
              ((description) (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetDescription (xaccSplitGetParent s))))
              ((number) (lambda (s)
                          (if BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION
                              (xaccSplitGetAction s)
                              (xaccTransGetNum (xaccSplitGetParent s)))))
              ((t-number) (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetNum (xaccSplitGetParent s))))
              ((register-order) (lambda (s) #f))
              ((memo) (lambda (s) (xaccSplitGetMemo s)))
              ((none) (lambda (s) #f)))))
       ((string? (comparator-function X)) ((if ascend? string<? string>?) (comparator-function X) (comparator-function Y)))
       ((comparator-function X)           ((if ascend? < >)               (comparator-function X) (comparator-function Y)))
       (else                              #f)))

    (define (primary-comparator? X Y)
      (generic-less? X Y primary-key
                     (eq? primary-order 'ascend)))

    (define (secondary-comparator? X Y)
      (generic-less? X Y secondary-key
                     (eq? secondary-order 'ascend)))

    ;; This will, by default, sort the split list by ascending posted-date.
    (define (date-comparator? X Y)
      (generic-less? X Y 'date 'none #t))

    (if (or (null? c_account_1) (and-map not c_account_1))

        ;; error condition: no accounts specified or obtained after filtering

            report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)))

          ;; if an empty-report-message is passed by a derived report to
          ;; the renderer, display it here.
          (if empty-report-message

          (if (memq infobox-display '(always no-match))
               (gnc:render-options-changed options))))


          (qof-query-set-book query (gnc-get-current-book))
          (xaccQueryAddAccountMatch query c_account_1 QOF-GUID-MATCH-ANY QOF-QUERY-AND)
          (xaccQueryAddDateMatchTT query #t begindate #t enddate QOF-QUERY-AND)
          (case void-status
            ((non-void-only) (gnc:query-set-match-non-voids-only! query (gnc-get-current-book)))
            ((void-only)     (gnc:query-set-match-voids-only! query (gnc-get-current-book)))
            (else #f))
          (if (not custom-sort?)
                (qof-query-set-sort-order query
                                          (keylist-get-info sortkey-list primary-key 'sortkey)
                                          (keylist-get-info sortkey-list secondary-key 'sortkey)
                (qof-query-set-sort-increasing query
                                               (eq? primary-order 'ascend)
                                               (eq? secondary-order 'ascend)

          (if (opt-val "__trep" "unique-transactions")
              (set! splits (xaccQueryGetSplitsUniqueTrans query))
              (set! splits (qof-query-run query)))

          (qof-query-destroy query)

          (if custom-sort?
                (set! splits (stable-sort! splits date-comparator?))
                (set! splits (stable-sort! splits secondary-comparator?))
                (set! splits (stable-sort! splits primary-comparator?))))

          ;; Combined Filter:
          ;; - include/exclude splits to/from selected accounts
          ;; - substring/regex matcher for Transaction Description/Notes/Memo
          ;; - custom-split-filter, a split->bool function for derived reports
          ;; - by reconcile status
          (set! splits (filter
                        (lambda (split)
                          (let* ((trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
                                 (match? (lambda (str)
                                           (if transaction-matcher-regexp
                                               (regexp-exec transaction-matcher-regexp str)
                                               (string-contains str transaction-matcher)))))
                            (and (case filter-mode
                                   ((none) #t)
                                   ((include) (is-filter-member split c_account_2))
                                   ((exclude) (not (is-filter-member split c_account_2))))
                                 (or (string-null? transaction-matcher) ; null-string = ignore filters
                                     (match? (xaccTransGetDescription trans))
                                     (match? (xaccTransGetNotes trans))
                                     (match? (xaccSplitGetMemo split)))
                                 (or (not custom-split-filter)     ; #f = ignore custom-split-filter
                                     (custom-split-filter split))
                                 (or (not reconcile-status-filter) ; #f = ignore reconcile-status-filter
                                     (memv (xaccSplitGetReconcile split)

          (if (null? splits)

              ;; error condition: no splits found

                  report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)

                (if (memq infobox-display '(always no-match))
                     (gnc:render-options-changed options))))

              (let-values (((table grid) (make-split-table splits options custom-calculated-cells)))

                (gnc:html-document-set-title! document report-title)

                   (format #f
                            (_ "From ~a to ~a")
                            (qof-print-date begindate)
                            (qof-print-date enddate)))))

                (if (and (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-grid)
                         (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount")) 'single))
                    (let* ((generic<? (lambda (a b)
                                        (cond ((string? (car a)) (string<? (car a) (car b)))
                                              ((number? (car a)) (< (car a) (car b)))
                                              (else (gnc:error "unknown sortvalue")))))
                           (list-of-rows (stable-sort! (delete 'row-total (grid-rows grid)) generic<?))
                           (list-of-cols (stable-sort! (delete 'col-total (grid-cols grid)) generic<?)))
                       document (grid->html grid list-of-rows list-of-cols))))

                (if (eq? infobox-display 'always)
                     (gnc:render-options-changed options)))

                (gnc:html-document-add-object! document table)))))



(define trep-guid "2fe3b9833af044abb929a88d5a59620f")
(export trep-guid)
(export trep-renderer)
(export trep-options-generator)

;; Define the report.
 'version 1
 'name (_ "Reconciliation Report")
 'report-guid "e45218c6d76f11e7b5ef0800277ef320"
 'options-generator reconcile-report-options-generator
 'renderer trep-renderer)

;; Define the report.
 'version 1
 'name reportname
 'report-guid trep-guid
 'options-generator trep-options-generator
 'renderer trep-renderer)

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