gnucash ideas

Robert Graham Merkel
Wed, 2 Aug 2000 00:00:43 +1000 (EST)

Jason Rennie writes:
 > said:
 > > The point being to have some place to "stick" things like report
 > > parameters  for future reference.
 > > I'm not sure what the right answer looks like. 
 > I envision having a `reports' directory under .gnucash were there is 
 > one set of parameters per file.
 > said:
 > > Your three-stage view is pretty much like what I'm planning, however,
 > > being able to export to multiple outpuf forms is not nearly as easy as
 > > it sounds - the sticking point is coming up with a way of describing
 > > report formatting in a sufficiently general framework as to provide
 > > useful output in formats as diverse as LaTeX and Gnumeric XML.
 > Cool :)  Do you have any pointers to where I should look to see what 
 > has been done so far?
No coding was actually done, it was all ML threads.

 > said:
 > >  We have had several threads about this in the past (check the ML
 > > archives for more details) I had a look at tools for doing so (DSSSL
 > > and Jade),  but we think we'll stick with HTML for now.
 > I haven't had any luck with accessing the archives via the
 > web site.  The "Mailing List-Archives" link goes to a non-functional
 > search form (I get "There was an error executing this query. Please try
 > later." when I try to search for anything).  Is there anywhere else I 
 > could go to get access to the ML archives?

No, there's not a complete, working mail archive ATM.
The new mailing list setup at works, but it
doesn't contain the old archives (pre-mid-June = old), 
and isn't linked to from the main page.  The old links at
still work for me up until June 2000, but searching doesn't work.

Once the other developers get back on deck, I'm sure they'll sort it out.

Robert Merkel	                 
