unifying mail archive?

Bill Gribble grib@billgribble.com
Tue, 1 Aug 2000 09:38:05 -0500

On Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 11:46:50AM +1000, Robert Graham Merkel wrote:
> Guys, will it be possible to import the old gnucash-devel mail archive
> into the lists.gnumatic.com archive?
> It's handy to be able to point people at past list discussions, and at
> the moment there isn't a complete record of everything I can go to
> (early July is not available at all, for instance).

I'll try to do this.  The problem is that the archiving systems are
totally different.  I'll have to figure out what Jeremy was doing,
then what Pipermail expects.  I need to get in there and do some work
on the dead/outdated links anyway, so maybe I'll just make a day of

If anybody out there knows a competent web person in Austin, TX, US
that's looking for a job, PLEASE let me know.
