register bug

Dave Peticolas
Thu, 10 Aug 2000 12:23:39 -0700

Ed Porras writes:
> I was trying to add a share purchase (checking payment to mutual fund)
> and when I tabbed into the memo field gnucash went down.. I deleted
> the LCK and LNK files and started over, this time clicking directly on
> the memo field, and same thing.. on the third try I attempted it the
> other way around (from the checking register) and I was able to enter
> everything again until I tabbed to the Memo field when I got the
> crash..
> I was finally able to record the transaction by not entering a
> Memo.. I quit and restarted gnucash, opened the checking register and
> tried to directly click on the Memo field.. another crash..
> the crash opens the bug report dialog, but leaves no core or dumps no
> messages to the console.. should I go ahead and submit it with bug
> buddy?
> let me know what else I can send to help.. I'm running latest cvs (as
> of this morning) on RH6.2

This should be fixed now, thanks for the report.
