Confused with brokerage accounts

Eugene Tyurin
Sun, 13 Aug 2000 19:59:41 -0400


Excuse me if this topic has been done to death before, but I'm having
trouble setting up my brokerage accounts - whopping 3 of them: regular, 
IRA and 401(k).

Unless I completely misunderstood the manual, here's the standard

1) Create a brokerage account (type "Bank")
2) Create a sub-account of type "stock" (or "mutual fund") for every
open position.
3) Use gnc-prices to track P&L.

My problems:

1) If you hold the same security in more than one account (I do),
gnucash keeps two copies of the same price history.  I'm not sure how
important the price history is for the accounting purposes - it seems to
me only 2 prices matter: purchase and sale.
2) Suppose you close a position.  Then you have to manually edit the
appropriate "stock" account to disable price history update.  But the
account has to stay open (and visible!) for eternity unless you want to
loose the transaction history.
3) I tried to use a "split" transaction to record a stock purchase.  For
some reason, gnucash insists that I express the brokerage fee as a
fraction of the share price...

Thank you,
