Tools for the HTML manuals
Christopher Browne
Mon, 14 Aug 2000 08:34:32 -0500
On Mon, 14 Aug 2000 11:47:04 -0000, the world broke into rejoicing as
Yannick LE NY <> said:
> I want to convert the french HTML files in SGML and Dave said:
> >We need it in SGML, but Christopher Browne has a utility to convert
> >html->docbook. He's going to apply this to the French documentation
> >as well so you have something to start from.
> What is the utility to convert html->docbook and where find it?
Save the material below as ~/etc/h2d.dsl, and then run it thus:
% jade -t sgml -d ~/etc/h2d.dsl inputfile.html > outputfile.sgml
Suggestions for improvements are welcome.
The _big_ problem is that all it does is to essentially translate tags.
It does _nothing_ to help out with the internal links. For instance,
<a href="xacc-currency.html"> currencies </a> should transform
not to <ulink url="xacc-currency.html"> currencies </ulink>, which
is the "literal" translation, but rather the "currencies" section
should have ID="xacc-currency", and this link should become <link
linkend="xacc-currency"> currencies </link>, which is a link that will
be managed by the DocBook tools.
------------ Set Phasers to CUT HERE ---------------
<!doctype style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN">
(define debug
(external-procedure "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Procedure::debug"))
(declare-flow-object-class element
"UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Flow Object Class::element")
(declare-flow-object-class empty-element
"UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Flow Object Class::empty-element")
(declare-flow-object-class document-type
"UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Flow Object Class::document-type")
(declare-flow-object-class processing-instruction
"UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Flow Object Class::processing-instruction")
(declare-flow-object-class formatting-instruction
"UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Flow Object Class::formatting-instruction")
(declare-characteristic preserve-sdata?
"UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Characteristic::preserve-sdata?"
(define (copy-attributes #!optional (nd (current-node)))
(let loop ((atts (named-node-list-names (attributes nd))))
(if (null? atts)
(let* ((name (car atts))
(value (attribute-string name nd)))
(if value
(cons (list name value)
(loop (cdr atts)))
(loop (cdr atts)))))))
(default (if (node-property 'momitend (current-node))
(make empty-element attributes: (copy-attributes))
(make element attributes: (copy-attributes))))
(define (write-string str)
(make formatting-instruction
data: str))
(element HTML
(make sequence
(make document-type
name: "ARTICLE"
public-id: "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN")
(element article (make element))
(element title (make element))
(element head
(make element gi: "Artheader"))
(element BODY
(make element gi: "Para"))
(element h1
(write-string "<") (write-string "Sect1") (write-string ">")
(make element gi: "Title" )))
(element h2
(write-string "<") (write-string "Sect2") (write-string ">")
(make element gi: "Title" )))
(element h3
(write-string "<") (write-string "Sect3") (write-string ">")
(make element gi: "Title" )))
(element h4
(write-string "<") (write-string "Sect4") (write-string ">")
(make element gi: "Title" )))
(element h5
(write-string "<") (write-string "Sect5") (write-string ">")
(make element gi: "Title" )))
(element heading
(make element gi: "Title"))
(element p
(make element gi: "Para"))
(element tt
(make element gi: "Literal"
attributes: `(("remap" "tt")))) ;; fixme
(element tscreen (process-children)) ; FIXME
(element ul
(make element gi: "ItemizedList"))
(element li
(make element gi: "ListItem"
(make element gi: "Para")))
(element URL
(make element gi: "ULink"
attributes: `(("URL" ,(attribute-string "URL")))
(if (attribute-string "NAME")
(literal (attribute-string "NAME"))
(literal (attribute-string "URL")))))
(element IMG
(make element gi: "Inlinegraphic"
attributes: `(("Fileref" ,(attribute-string "SRC")) (copy-attributes))))
(element A
(attribute-string "HREF")
(make element gi: "Ulink"
attributes: `(("URL" ,(attribute-string "HREF"))(copy-attributes)))
(make element gi: "Anchor"
attributes: `(("ID" ,(attribute-string "NAME"))(copy-attributes)))))
(element label
(make empty-element gi: "Anchor"
attributes: (copy-attributes)))
(element ol
(make element gi: "OrderedList"))
(element em
(make element gi: "Emphasis"))
(element bf
(make element gi: "Literal"
attributes: `(("remap" "bf"))))
(element pre
(make element gi: "ProgramListing"))
(element quotep (process-children))
(element dl
(make element gi: "GlossList"
(process-matching-children "DT")))
(define (get-sibs)
(let loop ( (rest (follow (current-node)))
(accum (empty-sosofo)))
(let ( (tag (gi (node-list-first rest))))
(if (or (not tag)
(string=? tag "DT"))
(loop (node-list-rest rest)
(sosofo-append accum
(node-list-first rest))))))))
(element DT
(make element gi: "GlossEntry"
(make element gi: "GlossTerm")
(make element gi: "GlossDef"
(element BR
(make element gi: "Emphasis"))
-- - <>
"Without insects, our ecosystem would collapse and we would all
die. In that respect, insects are far more important than mere
end-users." -- Eugene O'Neil <>