discount brokerage which support exporting .qifs?
J. Maynard Gelinas
Wed, 16 Aug 2000 12:00:07 -0500
Recently, my bank began offering a web based login service which allows
exporting .qif files containing one's monthly statement. OK, so I installed
GNUCash, read the docs, imported the .qif, and to my surprise it all worked!
Unfortunately, my discount brokerage E*TRADE only supports obtaining
electronic financial information via Quicken99/2000 within the application.
I've sent them email requested they resolve this issue, but I expect this
unlikely. So, given that I'm not about to install Windows/Quicken just so I
can obtain this feature can anyone recommend a reasonable discount broker who
will allow me to export and download .qif files directly? Looks like
Ameritrade requires Quicken99/2000 as well.
Any recommendations?