bug report

Conrad Canterford conrad@mail.watersprite.com.au
Mon, 21 Aug 2000 23:04:13 +1000

Discovered an interesting little bug this evening.

I was entering tonights cash distributions - a split transaction from my
"float" account (type Cash) split into my Cash-on-hand account (type
Cash) and a purchases expense account (type Expense). I didn't know the
total amount, so rather than do the simple mathematical exercise in my
brain, I left that blank and proceeded to enter the rest of the
transaction. When I got to the next line, and entered the amount to go
to the cash-on-hand account, it replaced both that amount and the total
amount with the word "inf". Figuring this was something to do with the
missing bit of the split, I continued to enter the transaction. After
I'd entered the second part of the split, however, it did not change. I
then did the simple maths in my brain and tried to enter the correct
values for both the total and the first split (to cash-on-hand), but to
no avail. No matter what I entered (and I tried several times), when I
left that field, it was replaced with "inf".

In the end, I deleted the transaction and started again. Presumably
because I'd just entered one of these split transactions (even though
I'd deleted it), this time the auto-completer decided it was a split
transaction and put the splits up for me, and I just had to change the
values, same as I normally do.

I have just upgraded to 1.4.4, but I can't say if this is a new
"feature" in 1.4.4, or whether it previously existed in 1.4.2 - I don't
recall ever actually leaving the total blank before.

I don't know if this gives you enough information. If not, you can give
me a list of things you'd like me to experiment with, I'll make a
side-copy of that accounts file and play with it some more.

Conrad Canterford (conrad@mail.watersprite.com.au)
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