
Herbert Thoma tma@iis.fhg.de
Wed, 30 Aug 2000 22:54:10 +0200


With the latest cvs checkout there are several bugs:

1: gnucash: [W] "failure loading ""/home/herbie/.gnucash/config.auto"                                                
   .gnucash/config.auto exists.

2: profit and loss report:
Error: gnc_report_error_dialog: gnc_report_error_dialog: error running report.
/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/options.scm:823:4: In expression (options (quote lookup)):
/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/options.scm:823:4: Wrong type to apply: #f
 0* [gnc:main]
 1* (if (null? gnc:*batch-mode-forms-to-evaluate*) (let # # # ...) (map # #))
 2  (let ((ok #) (file #)) (if (and ok #) (gnc:ui-open-file file)) ...)
 3* [gnc:ui-main]
 4* [#<procedure ()>]
 5* (let ((options #)) (gnc:report-window title (lambda () #) options))
 6  [gnc:report-window "Bericht: Saldo Einnahmen/Ausgaben" #<procedure ()> #f]
 7* [#<procedure ()>]
 8* [gnc:run-report "Profit and Loss" #f]
 9  (letrec (# # #) (let # #))
10  (let* ((renderer #) (lines #) (output #)) output)
11* [#<procedure (options)> #f]
12  [generate-balance-sheet-or-pnl "Saldo Einnahmen/Ausgaben" ...]
13  (let* (# # #) (define # #) (define # #) ...)
14* [gnc:lookup-option #f "Report Options" "From"]
15  ((options (quote lookup)) section name)
16* (options (quote lookup))
Error: gnc_run_report: Report output was not a string.
3: portfolio report
(Report-Tree ((<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Aktien Portfolio Abschätzung </TITLE> </HEAD> (<BODY bgcolor= #bfdeba >)) ((<TABLE cellspacing=10 rules="rows">
 (<caption><b> Aktien Portfolio Abschätzung </b></caption>) ((<TH (justify= center) > Name </TH #<primitive-proced

) (<TD (align= 24.922,91) > right </TD>) (<TD (align= 4.444,83) > right </TD>)) </TR>)) </TABLE>) (</BODY> </HTML>)))
gnucash: [W] "gnc:run-report - "#<primitive-procedure >>" is the wrong type."
Err: (#<primitive-procedure >>)
gnucash: [W] "gnc:run-report - "#<primitive-procedure >>" is the wrong type."
Err: (#<primitive-procedure >>)
gnucash: [W] "gnc:run-report - "#<primitive-procedure >>" is the wrong type."
Err: (#<primitive-procedure >>)
gnucash: [W] "gnc:run-report - "#<primitive-procedure >>" is the wrong type."
Err: (#<primitive-procedure >>)
gnucash: [W] "gnc:run-report - "#<primitive-procedure >>" is the wrong type."
Err: (#<primitive-procedure >>)
gnucash: [W] "gnc:run-report - "#<primitive-procedure >>" is the wrong type."
Err: (#<primitive-procedure >>)
gnucash: [W] "gnc:run-report - "#<primitive-procedure >>" is the wrong type."
Err: (#<primitive-procedure >>)
FIXME: Caption support
FIXME: Caption support
FIXME: Caption support
FIXME: Caption support
FIXME: Caption support
FIXME: Caption support                                                                                            

4: transaction report:
Error: gnc_report_error_dialog: gnc_report_error_dialog: error running report.
Function: vector-ref, wrong-type-arg
/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/options.scm:103:3: In procedure vector-ref in expression (vector-ref option 5):
/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/options.scm:103:3: Wrong type argument in position 1: "From"
 0* [gnc:main]
 1* (if (null? gnc:*batch-mode-forms-to-evaluate*) (let # # # ...) (map # #))
 2  (let ((ok #) (file #)) (if (and ok #) (gnc:ui-open-file file)) ...)
 3* [gnc:ui-main]
 4* [#<procedure ()>]
 5* (let ((options #)) (gnc:report-window title (lambda () #) options))
 6  [gnc:report-window "Bericht: Buchungsbericht" #<procedure ()> ...]
 7* [#<procedure ()>]
 8* [gnc:run-report "Buchungsbericht" #<procedure dispatch (key)>]
 9  (letrec (# # #) (let # #))
10  (let* ((renderer #) (lines #) (output #)) output)
11* [gnc:trep-renderer #<procedure dispatch (key)>]
12  (let* (# # # # ...) (list # # # ...))
13* [split-report-make-date-filter-predicate ...
14* [gnc:option-value "From"]
15  (let ((getter (gnc:option-getter option))) (getter))
16* [gnc:option-getter "From"]
17  [vector-ref "From" 5]
Error: gnc_run_report: Report output was not a string.
gtkhtml-CRITICAL **: file gtkhtml-stream.c: line 59 (gtk_html_stream_write): assertion `buffer != NULL' failed.   

5: Account Balance Tracker report:

-- Error: gnc_report_error_dialog: gnc_report_error_dialog: error running report.
/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/report/average-balance.scm:339:19: In expression (gnc:malloc-query):
/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/report/average-balance.scm:339:19: Unbound variable: gnc:malloc-query
 0* [gnc:main]
 1* (if (null? gnc:*batch-mode-forms-to-evaluate*) (let # # # ...) (map # #))
 2  (let ((ok #) (file #)) (if (and ok #) (gnc:ui-open-file file)) ...)
 3* [gnc:ui-main]
 4* [#<procedure ()>]
 5* (let ((options #)) (gnc:report-window title (lambda () #) options))
 6  [gnc:report-window "Bericht: Konten-Saldo-Beobachter" #<procedure ()> ...]
 7* [#<procedure ()>]
 8* [gnc:run-report "Account Balance Tracker" #<procedure dispatch (key)>]
 9  (letrec (# # #) (let # #))
10  (let* ((renderer #) (lines #) (output #)) output)
11* [average-balance-renderer #<procedure dispatch (key)>]
12  (let ((gov-fun #)) (let (# # # ...) (cond # # ...) ...))
13  (let (# # # # ...) (cond # # #) (append prefix # # ...))
14* (gnc:malloc-query)
Error: gnc_run_report: Report output was not a string.
gtkhtml-CRITICAL **: file gtkhtml-stream.c: line 59 (gtk_html_stream_write): assertion `buffer != NULL' failed.   

6: budget report:
Error: gnc_report_error_dialog: gnc_report_error_dialog: error running report.
/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/options.scm:823:4: In expression (options (quote lookup)):
/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/options.scm:823:4: Wrong type to apply: #f
 0* [gnc:main]
 1* (if (null? gnc:*batch-mode-forms-to-evaluate*) (let # # # ...) (map # #))
 2  (let ((ok #) (file #)) (if (and ok #) (gnc:ui-open-file file)) ...)
 3* [gnc:ui-main]
 4* [#<procedure ()>]
 5* (let ((options #)) (gnc:report-window title (lambda () #) options))
 6  [gnc:report-window "Bericht: Budget" #<procedure ()> #f]
 7* [#<procedure ()>]
 8* [gnc:run-report "Budget" #f]
 9  (letrec (# # #) (let # #))
10  (let* ((renderer #) (lines #) (output #)) output)
11* [gnc:budget-renderer #f]
12  (let* # # # ...)
13* [gnc:lookup-option #f "Report Options" "From"]
14  ((options (quote lookup)) section name)
15* (options (quote lookup))
Error: gnc_run_report: Report output was not a string.
gtkhtml-CRITICAL **: file gtkhtml-stream.c: line 59 (gtk_html_stream_write): assertion `buffer != NULL' failed.   

SuSE 6.4
gnome-libs 1.2.4
guile 1.3.4
slib 2c7
g-wrap 0.9.1

LANG = de_DE

gnucash from cvs (30. Sept. 2000)
 -> make distclean; configure; make

Herbert Thoma
FhG-IIS A, Studio Department
Am Weichselgarten3, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Phone: +49-9131-776-323
Fax:   +49-9131-776-399
email: tma@iis.fhg.de
www: http://www.iis.fhg.de/