Degrees of Freedom in One-Way Anova by Rows
Phillip J Shelton
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 08:44:58 +1000
This week I will start re-organising the gnumeric functions into better
function class groupings.
Is there anyone who I will need to talk to about with respect to either code
updates they have or the financial library?
Jason Stokes wrote:
> Jody Goldberg wrote:
> > There may be more such problems in the stats package. The code
> > has not been audited. It could use some active maintenance.
> > The original author has been appropriated by the real world.
> > What ever help people can offer would be appreciated.
> This is something I could certainly help with. I have some experience
> using the stats package SPSS. Anybody else?
> I also agree that a shared financial library would be an excellent
> idea.
> Is there any other project that might get on board, or should we just
> get going and if we start producing something good other people can
> get involved as they see fit?