DB design document

Phillip Shelton shelton@usq.edu.au
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 14:10:40 +1000

(Taken from David M's schema.txt)
account_guid                    char    32      ->account.account_guid
transaction_guid                char
split_guid                      char    32
action                                          ???
status                          char 1
split_amount                    rational        amount of the commodity
                                                positive is a debit value
                                                negative is a credit value
                                                (or vice versa?)
damount                         rational        units of a security
date_reconciled.tv_sec                          ???
date_reconciled.tv_nsec                         ???
share_balance                   rational        "
share_cleared_balance           rational        "
share_reconciled_balance        rational        "
kvp_data                                        ???
notes                           text            any notes the user enters

Aren't date_reconciled.tv_sec and date_reconciled.tv_nsec just the timestamp
of the reconiliation?


PS Thank you David M for taking the time to answer my sql question. PJS.