Resolving the stock split/merger issue.
Rob Browning
20 Dec 2000 17:03:14 -0600
Right now you can't really enter a stock split/merger into gnucash
reasonably, and with Dave's help, I'd like to fix that.
He and I (and Bill) have talked about this for a bit, and I've thought
about it for a bit, and I've come up with this proposal.
stock splits/mergers:
Background and relevant considerations:
* Rule#1: Dave gets as much or more say than anyone about
implementation details that could go either way, if in fact, he's
going to be the one having to integrate this into the register.
* Is this a "transaction" or a split level event?
* If a transaction level event, then what do you do about
fractional remainders? Carol has pointed out that in stock
splits, you might end up with a fractional remainder that you're
just reimbursed for in cash. This argues that a stock split is
a split-level event. So for now, I'll presume that it's a
split-level event.
* If it's a split-level event, then we need a way to tag a split
as a stock split/merge. I see the following primary options:
* Interpret certain numerical/destination combinations as
indicating a split -- i.e. perhaps a zero valued split in a
stock register that has shares actually bought or sold ==
stock split/merger. This requires very little modification,
but may result in ambiguous interpretations if there are ever
other situations where this pattern is also valid -- I can't
think of any solid ones ATM, but, it's a concern -- stock
gifts might be such a complication, but I suspect they'd need
more representation than a zero valued split anyway, so they
wouldn't be confusable with stock splits, but something else
might be later. Seems fragile to me.
* Have a way of definitively tagging a split as a stock
split/merger. This could be either through a reserved kvp
slot like (gnc:stock-split . #t) or via a new split "type
field" (which could be implemented as either a kvp_slot or as
an actual struct enum field...). This could be used for stock
splits, as well as other operations we need later, so you'd
have (gnc:split-type . <type>) where type might be normal,
stock-split, equity-transfer, etc.
At first, I thought that this approach had the (dis?)advantage
that unless we augment the UI to allow setting this tag in the
register, creating one of these will have to be done via a
separate dialog. Dave pointed out a good solution -- see
Proposed solution:
* ignore the aesthetics of the function names here, we'll pick
better ones.
* stock splits will be represented with a single Split. You will
initialize a Split to be a stock split via
void xaccSplitMakeStockSplit(Split *s);
You may ask a Split whether or not it's a stock split via
gboolean xaccSplitStockSplit_p(Split* s);
You can then set the split's date, quantity (i.e. damount), and
other appropriate fields as desired with the normal mechanisms.
* for a stock split Split, the value must always be 0, and the
damount (or quantity) indicates the number of shares added to or
subtracted from the account at the time of the split/merge.
* Dave pointed out that since the value must always be zero, when
the user tries to commit a split in a stock register with shares
in/out, but no value, then a dialog can pop up and ask if they
meant for this to be a stock split/merge. This seems to solve the
UI issue.
* internally stock splits will be implemented as a Split with a
reserved kvp_slot named gnc:split-type set to "stock-split". This
won't be exposed, so we can change it later if we need to, but
this slot may also be used later to distingush other types of
split (i.e. we may need one for closing the books, etc.)
Rob Browning <> PGP=E80E0D04F521A094 532B97F5D64E3930