Patrick Spinler
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 09:36:55 -0600 wrote:
> OK, here's the dope:
> I don't think rob is entirely aware of the possibilities that his XML
> file format opens up. Some of the readers of this mailing list may
> also not be aware of what demos grib has done with embedding guppi
> in html. I don't know how many people are aware that the cvs branch
> of gnucash has a web browser more-or-less built into it. Its not a
> great all-purpose browser, but for the following example, that don't
> matter.
> GnuCash is just inches away from being a financial ASP website.
> Here's how:
In short - Wow ! I like it.
> -- We've side-stepped the sql transport issue, sort-of. All data
> between gnucash-the-web-browser and gnc-the-apache-server is in
> the form of this oddly marked-up html with embedded, uuencoded
> gnc-xml. On the server side, we have to write some cgi-bins
> that yank data from any old sql db, and convert it into gnc-xml.
> (personally, I recommed using gnc-engine to implement those
> cgi-bins).
As the one area I'm competent to comment on (databases), this makes
perfect sense to me.
-- Pat
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Patrick Spinler email: Spinler.Patrick@Mayo.EDU
Mayo Foundation phone: 507/284-9485