Access Controls
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 12:39:39 -0600 (CST)
It's been rumoured that David Merrill said:
> Do you mean to
> set a "lock" (not a real DB lock though, or at least not necessarily a
> real DB lock) when the user BEGINS to do an edit, so other users
> cannot? Now THAT makes sense. :-)
Yes. I tend to speak metaphorically.
> > If you think about it as a transport mechanism, then Begin(), End()
> > are the *only* times a message needs to be sent from client to server.
> > After a session has been intiated, *none* of the other API calls should
> > generate traffic.
> Now you lost me. ???
Lets assume we are using onc-rpc (or corba or xml-rpc or soap).
** GUI user uses mouse to highlight transaction for editing.
** xaccTransBeginEdit() sends rpc/iiop/xml message to server.
** GUI user types in payee, amount
** xaccTransSetDescription(), xaccTransSetAmount() are invoked
by gtk code. But no rpc's are made; no network traffic.
** GUI user has finished, clicks 'OK, commit'.
** xaccTransCommitEdit() is called. It packs up all the changes
into one block, and ships that off to server via rpc.
** Server does whatever it needs to do with that data (e.g.
punches it into SQL).
** Server replies 'sucess' or 'failure'
** GUI pops message 'thank you for entering that transaction.
please come again'.