runtime errors

Rob Browning
05 Nov 2000 18:23:16 -0600

Rob Browning <> writes:

> "Armando L. Caro Jr." <> writes:
> > I have been using GnuCash regularly for about 2 months now on my desktop
> > machine, and everything runs great. Yesterday, I attempted to install
> > GnuCash on my laptop as well. The compilation went well as far as I can
> > tell, but when I try running the software, I get a bunch of errors I don't
> > understand. The two machines run the same distro (Debian) and they have
> > all the same GnuCash dependent software installed (I'm pretty sure). So, I
> > can't figure out why it works on the desktop and not the laptop. Any
> > ideas? (Errors are below)
> Do you have guile1.4, guile1.4, guile1.4-slib, and slib installed?

I can't recall if someone already mentioned this, but there was a
brief problem with the Debian slib package that would cause this.  You
can always just run /usr/sbin/guileX.X-slibconfig as root if this
happens again.

Rob Browning <> PGP=E80E0D04F521A094 532B97F5D64E3930