Get PostgreSQL installed as part of the distros

Greg Stark
28 Oct 2000 20:24:31 -0400

Matthew Vanecek <> writes:

> Why tie GNUCash to a specific database backend?  It wouldn't be hard to
> a write generic SQL interface, and export the API, so that people could
> write a driver for any transactional RDBMS.  Include a Postgresql driver
> by default.

Easier said than done. MySQL for example implements a very limited form of
SQL, other more complete implementations typically have quirky syntax. SQL as
a standard is rather weak, each database fills in the missing bits using
different proprietary extensions. For example filling in a sequential primary
key properly is a typical case, each database provides its own facility for,
Oracle sequences, MSSQL identity columns, etc.

> Also, I'd like to point out, it is not necessary for every installation
> of GNUCash have a dbms backend installed with it.  Client/Server, baby,
> rocks your world!  

Hm, I'm not sure if this is what you intended, but it would indeed be
interesting to have the db backend rest in another machine. Multiple users
could store their accounts in the same database, you could consult your
information from multiple machines even simultaneously and have each client
see changes made by another user. Anyone want to start a GnuCASH bank? :)
