
Robert Graham Merkel
Fri, 8 Sep 2000 14:54:31 +1100

J. Milgram writes:
 > > Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 08:19:16 -0500
 > > To: "J. Milgram" <>
 > > Subject: Re: Inventory?
 > > From: (Bill Gribble)
 > ...
 > > If you are interested in working on this project, please keep the list
 > > up to date on your design goals and progress!  I know there are a lot
 > > of people eager for these features, and I encourage you to work on
 > > them.
 > Well, first goal is to get started :)
 > I gather the thing to do is work with the 1.5 series.
 > Obviously I'll have to figure out a way to keep my development
 > versions away from my actual business accounts. How do other people
 > handle this?
 > - Judah

Why not install the development version out of your path (in say
/usr/local/opt/gnucash/bin), and have a symlink from
/usr/local/bin/beta_gnucash to /usr/local/opt/gnucash/bin/gnucash?

Robert Merkel	                 
