Solaris install problem

Alan Orndorff
Sat, 09 Sep 2000 12:55:18 -0700

Jean-Claude Magras wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am trying to launch gnucash 1.4.4 on Solaris 7/Sparcstation 5.
> The thing refuses to start and the README  instructions are too
> vague and complicated for a > 1.0.0release.
> GNC_SCM_LOAD_PATH=/usr/local/share/guile/slib/
> Thanks in advance for yoru help.

>From the "Readme" file:

slib: scheme libraries for guile. Need version slib2c4 or later. 

find the package and unzip it or whatever to a temporary directory.

create /usr/local/share/guile/slib,  move the contents of the
temporary directory to this directory, restart gnucash.  If you run
a truss on gnucash, you'll be able to see the "file not founds", these
show up as ENOENT.


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