Local libraries

Gerald Champagne gerald@io.com
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 20:50:04 -0500

I've just compiled the latest version from CVS, and I'm getting the 
following error:

./gnucash: error in loading shared libraries: ./gnucash: undefined symbol: gnc_locale_decimal_places

I think I know what's going on and I'm hoping someone can explain the fix.

The CVS version that I am running is in a subdirectory of my home directory
and I also have gnucash version 1.4x installed globally on the system.  It 
looks like gnucash is trying to reference the library /usr/lib/libgncengine, 
but I want it to reference my local copy of the library.  How do I tell it to
use the local copy of the library?  I know I could run ldconfig and specify my
local directory, but that has to be done as root, and the changes would be
made globally.

So I guess my question is a general Linux question.  How do you specify a 
local library path without becoming root and making that change globally?

