GnuCash-1.4.6 fails to compile on FreeBSD 4.1-RELEASE

Matthew Condell
21 Sep 2000 17:31:21 -0000

> Since I can't get 1.5.1 to compile,
> I downloaded 1.4.6.tar.gz
> ./configure completed without incident;
> the compile returned this result:

Have you tried using the port (deskutils/gnucash)?
The port works fine for me on FreeBSD 3.4.  
The current port is for 1.4.5, but you can 
just change the Makefile to use 1.4.6 and
it work (though the PLIST checksum will not
be quite right).  This is how I've installed
1.4.6 on my system.

If you still have problems after that, 
lemme know and I'll see what I can do, though
I don't have a 4.1 system around to test on.
