DB support?

Tom K. Weckstrom Tom.K.Weckstrom@F-Secure.com
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 10:37:00 +0300

I agree, that the DB involvement would make GnuCash harder to maintain, and
possibly also harder to use. However, I see scary scenarios of inscalability
with GnuCash as my accounting file grows in size in the next few years. The
startup of the program is already a time-consuming operation, and I have only
used it for one month. (Well, my PC is only P 233, but still)

I believe DB support with cache can be fast, too.

You are right about "universal/independent" thing....

An embedded DB would do just as fine for me - as long as I would always be
able to retrieve my accounting data to another system, if the development of
GnuCash would cease, for example... (but that will never happen, right? ;)


Christopher Browne wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 09:36:10 +0300, the world broke into rejoicing as
> "Tom K. Weckstrom" <Tom.K.Weckstrom@F-Secure.com>  said:
> > Has there been plans to support free relational SQL databases like mySQL
> > or PostgreSQL in GnuCash?
> >
> > DB support would make the solution "universal" or at least more
> > independent of file formats - and definitely easier to store and move to
> > another system when necessary. Also reporting capabilities would
> > increase.
> >
> > No comments about the effort involved. ;-)
> There are the vestiges of the beginnings of support for PostgreSQL; see
> src/engine/sql for "vestiges."
> The _problem_ with this idea is at least threefold:
> a) There are considerable variances between the way different SQL
>    databases behave, both in terms of performance, and in what sorts
>    of queries they accept, which means that the term "generic," which
>    is probably what you intended rather than "universal/independent,"
>    really isn't true.
> b) SQL engines involve considerable overhead, so that performance
>    will decidedly degrade over something that doesn't pretend to
>    genericity.
> c) SQL systems involve a degree of _administrative_ overhead, including
>    as notable tasks:
>     - Setting up users;
>     - Setting up the location of the database;
>     - Backing up the database;
>     - Configuring security for user access.
>   This isn't considered onerous for a complex system like SAP's R/3
>   application, where you normally have _multiple_ people responsible
>   for system administration, or in the analagous situation where a web
>   application needs to have some competent administrators around, but
>   it surely will be onerous to Granny Who Doesn't Really Understand What
>   RPM Is.
> I would suggest the thought that GnuCash should _not_ try to make use
> of any database system that requires extensive setting-up-of-services,
> as is true for MySQL and PostgreSQL; that is definitely _not_ friendly
> to anyone that doesn't want the High Committment matter of administering
> a DBMS system.
> The appropriate kind of database to use is the "embedded DBMS," that
> keeps the database subservient to GnuCash.  Reasonable options would
> include:
>   a) The DBM variations, where all you need is to include a library
>      or two, and where the database(s) fully reside in places
>      specified within the application.
>      Note that Sleepycat DB allows this to support such notable features
>      as transactions that may be rolled back, _clean_ networked access,
>      and such...
>   b) In the SQL arena, Interbase might become something acceptable; it
>      is designed to allow low-maintenance access to databases where
>      the application on top controls where things go...
> --
> aa454@freenet.carleton.ca - <http://www.ntlug.org/~cbbrowne/linux.html>
> "Bother,"  said Pooh,  "Eeyore, ready  two photon  torpedoes  and lock
> phasers on the Heffalump, Piglet, meet me in transporter room three"
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Tom Krister Weckström            tel     +358 9 8599 0133
F-Secure Corporation          http://www.F-Secure.com

F-Secure products: Securing the Mobile, Distributed Enterprise