kudos and a problem with the "welcome" report

Bill Gribble grib@gnumatic.com
Sun, 22 Apr 2001 09:16:47 -0500

On Sat, Apr 21, 2001 at 04:57:59PM -0700, Dave Peticolas wrote:
> It will still do that for reports once you are running normally, but
> maybe not when reports are being loaded at startup.

Your window configurations are saved by MDI using URLs to describe the
content.  For example, if you are showing a report in a particular
window, the information that gets stored might be "gnc-report:id=23".
That may not look exactly like a URL but it's close enough for Gnucash :)

When you exit gnucash, the information necessary to reproduce a
report, including its ID number, is saved in your config.auto file.
When you start up again, those reports are created and inserted into
the table that associates a report with an ID number.

If the config.auto file contains errors or cannot be loaded for some
reason, the report with ID 23 may not be restored at all, and the code
trying to load "gnc-report:id-23" into a window has no way of knowing
anything at all about what kind of report it was supposed to be or
anything else.

So you don't get a backtrace in this case because the report is not
being run in any meaningful sense. 
