1.5.6 report

Nathan A. Smith nasa000@home.com
26 Apr 2001 14:30:34 -0600

I thought I would drop a line with problems I have noted with 1.5.6

1.  Start up is pretty slow

2.  Many of the reports cause the program to crash  - hard.

    a.  The Welcome report
    b.  reports under assests & liabilities
    c.  reports under profit & loss, although the first report gave me
    the following:

         8* (let ((rept (gnc:make-report #)))
        (gnc:main-window-open-report rept #f))
         9  [gnc:main-window-open-report 2 #f]
        10* [gnc:report-run 2]
        11* [gnc:backtrace-if-exception #<procedure ()>]
        12  (letrec ((dumper #)) (catch (quote ignore) (lambda () #)
        (lambda # #f)))
        13  [catch ignore #<procedure ()> #<procedure (key . args)>]
        14* [#<procedure ()>]
        15* [lazy-catch #t #<procedure ()> #<procedure dumper (key .
        16* [#<procedure ()>]
        17* [apply #<procedure ()> ()]
        18  [#<procedure ()>]
        19  (begin (set! html #) (display "total time to run report: ")
        20* (set! html (gnc:report-render-html report #t))
        21* [gnc:report-render-html # #t]
        22  (if (and # #) (begin #) (let # #))
        23  (let* (# # # ...) (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
        stylesheet) ...)
        24* [pnl-renderer #]
        25  (letrec (#) (let # # # ...))
        26  (let (# # # # ...) (gnc:html-document-set-title! doc #) (if
        # # #) ...)
        27* [filter ...
        /usr/share/gnucash/scm/report/pnl.scm:111:21: While evaluating
        arguments to filter in expression (filter gnc:account-is-inc-exp
        (get-option gnc:pagename-accounts optname-accounts)):
        /usr/share/gnucash/scm/report/pnl.scm:111:21: Unbound variable:

I will report more as i come across them.



    1. Guppi-0.35.3-1
    2. gtk+mdk-0.1.5-5mdk
    3. latest version of Gnome, from cooker
    4.  glade-0.6.2-1mdk
    5. guile-1.4-10mdk
    6. g-wrap-1.1.9-1
    7. umb-scheme-3.2-18
    8. gtkhtml-0.8.3-2mdk
    9. libghttp1-1.09-1mdk
    10. libxml-1.8.11 and libxml2-2.3.6-1mdk