TIAA-CREF & finance-quote-helper

Kevin A. Foss
Sun, 29 Apr 2001 19:28:27 -0400

	I've been playing around with trying to get quotes working for
TIAA-CREF accounts which (for me at least) don't seem to be working
with the 1.5.x series.  When I run 

echo '(tiaacref "TIAAreal")' | finance-quote-helper

I get:

(("TIAAreal" (symbol . "TIAAreal") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2001-04-27
00:00:00") (last . failed-conversion) (currency . "USD")))

Originally I thought this might be a problem with Finance::Quote, but
its demo script, stockdump works fine on this security.  Looking a
little deeper I think I found the problem area in f-q-h:

  $field = 'last';
  $data = schemify_num($$quotehash{$itemname, $field});
  $quotedata .= " ($field . $data)";

but and several other of the reporting mechanisms don't
return 'last', so if I change the first line above to 'price' or 'nav'
f-q-h returns a closing price.

I don't honestly know which is preferable -- NAV or price with regards
to other securities. (Tiaacref only returns 1 number so they will
always be equal).  I also don't know how this is reflected back in
gnucash if the values were actually loaded, or if they would be refused
without a 'last' -- I didn't try.  

Kevin A. Foss ----