Default cell widths?

Jeff Warnica
Sun, 2 Dec 2001 04:45:03 -0400

I just happend to catch this thread... Im not sure if my question is at all realted. But it is a good one :)

In Excel (for example) if you double click on the border betweeen cells in the cell header section, that cell auto sizes itself to the width of the largest cell in that row/colom.. Is it possible to implement such a process in GnuCash?

On 2001.12.02 04:17 Dave Peticolas wrote:
> On Sat, 2001-12-01 at 21:16, Derek Atkins wrote:
> > I'm trying to figure out how the Gnucash Register sets default
> > cell widths.  During gnc_table_init_gui() it loads the header
> > widths from the global option "reg_column_widths", but I can't
> > find any place where that option is initialized for the first
> > time.  If the user has no saved options, the cells still seem
> > to have _some_ default width; where are those set?  For example,
> > the Reconcile Cell is extremely narrow -- where is this width
> > configured?
> As you seem to have discovered, the cell default
> widths are configued via sample text. The reason
> for this is that setting arbitrary values for defaults
> is brittle in the face of different font and i18n settings
> for different users.
> dave