Feature Request? Was Re: GnuCash 1.6.5 is released.

A Guy Called Tyketto tyketto@wizard.com
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 01:35:27 -0800

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On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 03:52:15AM -0800, Dave Peticolas wrote:
>  1.6.5  - 16 December 2001
>          o Euro conversion druid
>          o Updated or new translations for Brazilian Portuguese,
>            Danish, German, Nicaraguan Spanish, Norwegian, Portuguese,
>            Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish
>          o minor bug fixes

        Just one small request, after I gave this a swift compile. Could it=
possible have the --enable-sql flag to configure accept a path to the=20
installation for PostgreSQL? By default, when one compiles the postgresql=
source, the binary, libs, includes, et. al, go into /usr/local/pgsql. when=
autoconfed, gnucash goes to look for libpq-fe.h, and tries to find it, in=
pgsql/, postgresql/, then by itself.. something along the lines of:

        for ac_hdr in pgsql/libpq-fe.h postgresql/libpq-fe.h libpq-fe.h ...

        There is no prefixed path given to these, for them to be found, and=
ultimately fail. If they were given at configuring time, they could easily =
passed to these, and find what they're suppsoed to find; like when someone=
specifies the base directory for their gnome installation to be in /opt/gno=

        could this be given a try, and if needing a default, give=20
/usr/lib/postgresql, so most software dists don't have to worry with includ=
programs put in odd places? I don't see where this would hurt.. if it does,=
lemme know. :) I hacked configure in my tree for 1.6.5 to find it in the ri=
places, but supplying a path to it would be tons easier.

Brad Littlejohn                         | Email:        tyketto@wizard.com
Unix Systems Administrator,             |           tyketto@ozemail.com.au
Web + NewsMaster, BOFH.. Smeghead! :)   |   http://www.wizard.com/~tyketto
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