scheduled transactions
Joshua Sled
Thu, 1 Feb 2001 00:50:10 -0800
I've been focusing recently on scheduled transactions, since that's what
people more seem to want [more than budgeting], and the budgeting stuff
should make use of a seperable scheduled-transaction subsystem. My hope
is that soon/eventually, someone else will finish/polish/maintain the
scheduled transaction stuff while I focus on budgeting...
In any case, this is what I'm thinking... feedback, esp. about the hacky
"date-anchor" structure, is appreciated. It's expected that there will
be some set of functions like findComeDueTransactionsSince(time_t) and
isSXactionDueOnDate( ScheduledTransaction, time_t ) used to deal with
the Frequency structure...
* Updated frequency enum.
* The financial-calculator also has a notion of:
* . tri-annual
* which may make an appearance later...
* For each element of the frequency enum, we must have some set of
* anchors from which to compute the new date.
* daily : N/A
* weekly : { 0==sun, .., 6==sat }
* biweekly : start day of month
* semi_monthly: first, second days of month
* bi-monthly : day of month
* monthly : day of month
* quarterly : start month,day in year \
* semi_yearly : first month,day in year } [watch out for leap day]
* yearly : day of year /
enum FrequencyEnum {
BI_WEEKLY, // strict 2-week
SEMI_MONTHLY, // strict twice a month.
BI_MONTHLY, // every other month
SEMI_YEARLY, // 6-month
struct Frequency {
FrequencyEnum freq;
* The dateAnchor anchors the dates to determinable days.
* WEEKLY: dateAnchor[0] contains 0..6 [sun-based]
* BI_WEEKLY: dateAnchor[0] contains the first date-of-month.
* SEMI_MONTHLY: dateAnchor[0] contains the first date-of-month,
* dateAnchor[1] the second.
* BI_MONTHLY,MONTHLY: dateAnchor[0] contains the date-of-month.
* QUARTERLY: dateAnchor[0] contains the first year-in-month,
* dateAnchor[1] contains the date-in-month.
* SEMI_YEARLY: dateAnchor[0] contains the first year-in-month,
* dateAnchor[1] contains the date-in-month.
* YEARLY: dateAnchor[0] contains the year-in-month, dateAnchor[1]
* contains the date-in-month.
int[2] dateAnchor;
* A single scheduled transaction.
* Scheduled transactions have a list of transactions, and a frequency
* [and associated date anchors] with which they are scheduled.
* Things that make sense to have in a template transaction:
* [not] Date [though eventually some/multiple template transactions
* might have relative dates].
* Memo
* Account
* Funds In/Out... or an expr involving 'amt' [A, x, y, a?] for
* variable expenses.
* Template transactions are instantiated by:
* . copying the fields of the template
* . setting the date to the calculated "due" date.
* We should be able to use the GeneralLedger [or, yet-another-subtype
* of the internal ledger] for this editing.
struct ScheduledTransaction {
Frequency freq;
* The template transactions.
GList /* <Transaction *> */ *templateTrans;
* Integration possibilities:
* . create files/interface for scheduled transaction data structs.
* . structs
* . interface suitable for UI
* . programatic interface
* . user configuration:
* . show future scheduled transactions?
* . scheduled transaction post-blue-line window
* . auto-instantiate scheduled transactions?
* . some "since-last-run" UI for instantiating scheduled
* transactions.
* . create stand-alone UI for scheduled transactions.
* . register modifications for scheduled transactions.
* . register indication of recurring/scheduled transaction.
* . post-blue-line display
* . instantiation of pre/post-blue-line scheduled transactions