Carol Champagne
Mon, 05 Feb 2001 15:12:37 -0600 wrote:
> It's been rumoured that Stephen Walton said:
>> need something more like a 'cash flow' report. Old faithful PHASAR on the
>> Amiga could mark an account such as a mortgage account as a 'cash flow'
>> account, meaning that transfers to that account showed up as a negative
>> cash flow rather than as a zero contribution to cash flow.
> someone needs to write a 'cash flow' report, which is missing in the
> current version.
> Presumably, only accounts of type 'bank' and 'credit card', but not
> other assets, wuld contribute to the cash flow. I haven't really ever
> thought enough about it to know whether we need a special flag on an
> account to say 'this account contributes to cash flow', or whether that
> can be assumed from the account type.
> --linas
> _______________________________________________
> gnucash-devel mailing list
It looks like Quicken also includes cash type accounts in its cash
flow report. At least on our records, it appears to include bank,
cash and credit card accounts. Any money coming into those accounts
shows up as "inflows" and any money going out of those accounts shows
up as "outflows." So both my mortgage interest and mortgage principal
show up as outflows.