QIF Import fails out of CVS

Derek Atkins warlord@MIT.EDU
12 Feb 2001 19:10:54 -0500

It's hard to tell if this fixes the problem.  If I try to bring up the
new account chooser, GnuCash dies:

 0* [gnc:main]
 1* (if (null? gnc:*batch-mode-things-to-do*) (begin (gnc:hook-add-dangler gnc:*ui-shutdown-hook* gnc:ui-finish) (gnc:ui-init) ...) ...)
 2  (begin (gnc:hook-add-dangler gnc:*ui-shutdown-hook* gnc:ui-finish) (gnc:ui-init) ...)
 3* (if (and (not #) (equal? # 1)) (begin (gnc:show-new-user-window) (gnc:start-ui-event-loop)) ...)
 4  (begin (gnc:load-account-file) (gnc:default-ui-start) ...)
 5  [gnc:start-ui-event-loop]
 6* [qif-import:get-all-accts (#(() () () ...) #(() () () ...) #(() () () ...))]
 7* (let ((accts #) (acct-tree #) (separator #)) (for-each (lambda # #) extra-maps) ...)
 8* [for-each #<procedure (acctmap)> (#(() () () ...) #(() () () ...) #(() () () ...))]
 9* [#<procedure (acctmap)> #(() () () ...)]
10* (if acctmap (hash-fold (lambda # # ...) #f ...))
11  (hash-fold (lambda (k v p) (if # #) ...) #f ...)

/usr/gnucash/share/gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-dialog-utils.scm:695:12: In expression (hash-fold (lambda # # ...) #f ...):
/usr/gnucash/share/gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-dialog-utils.scm:695:12: Unbound variable: hash-fold
ABORT: (misc-error)

I had done a 'make clean' before I rebuilt.  This is with current CVS
as of right now (7pm EST)


grib@gnumatic.com (Bill Gribble) writes:

> On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 01:15:47PM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> > Ok, I can wait a couple hours ;)
> > 
> > -derek
> OK, I sent the patch in that (I believe) fixes your problem.  When you
> get a chance to try it out, please let me know if that's not true.
> Thanks
> b.g.

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord@MIT.EDU                        PGP key available