Access Controls
David Merrill
Mon, 1 Jan 2001 18:17:31 -0500
I read this again and changed my mind, and I'll tell you why...
When a record is changed, it is moved to the audit table, and a new
record is generated. That means a new GUID as well. So if the record
exists in the transaction table, it is necessarily the same "original"
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 01:04:01AM -0600, wrote:
> >
> > client -> server "Here is an update to record 1"
> client->server "here is what I think record 1 used to be,
> and here's what I want it to be".
> > server checks to see if record still exists in transaction table
> >
> > IF YES
> compare clients original to server's original.
> if identical,
> > move original record to audit table
> > save new record in transaction table
> > server -> client "OK"
> if not identical,
> compare clients update to servers original
> if identical,
> server -> client "OK" /* another user has already made the
> * same exact change */
> if not identical,
> server -> client "TRY AGAIN"
> > The only failure happens when two or more users have edited the same
> > field concurrently. There's really nothing we can do about that but
> > fail gracefully and let them re-edit if they wish.
> Its better to do it record by record, not field by field, to avoid the
> following:
> Two users looking at one record and user1 thinks: geee this is
> wrong, hmm the date is wrong, let me fix the date. User2 thinks
> 'gee this is wrong, but if I fix the amount then ..." If we were to
> accept and merge user1 & user2 changes field by field... ughh.
> > Regardless of which concurrency mechanism is used, we still have to
> > provide for data changed by others but not yet updated at the client's
> > machine:
> corba provides an asynchronous event mechanism that soap lacks, and I
> beleive onc-rpc lacks. We could e.g. do this:
> clienta->server
> "gimme records 1-100"
> server: notes clienta has 1-100. If clientb changes record 52, then
> server notes that clienta must be notified, delivers async event.
> clienta listens for events, updates when it gets one.
> For rpc or xml/soap, which don't have events, I don't know how to 'roll
> our own', it seems complicated. Firewalls mess things up. I've never
> really fooled with 'web streaming'; it would require leaving a socket
> open to the client, and then there are problems if the socket closes ...
> i.e. various ugly low-level issues.
> A traditional and somewhat klunky solution is:
> client->server
> "some mesage"
> server->client
> "wait, before we get into that, here are changes to stuff
> I know you will be interested in"
> Again, traditionally, the server just sends out a 'your data is now
> invalid' message, allowing the client to figure out if it wants to
> refresh or move on to other things. The most polite message is
> 'records 1, 23 and 42 are invalid', rather than 'everything you know is
> wrong'.
> There are two varients of this.
> Choice A:
> server doesn't try to guesss clients state. It simply notes
> *all* changes since the client last contacted server.
> server->client
> "since we last spoke, records 1,23,42 have changed. I have
> no clue if you even care about these records, but they changed."
> Choice B:
> server tries to track client's state. It only delivers info
> about what it thinks the client posseses.
> server->client
> "I know that once upon a time ask for record 23, and since
> since we last spoke, record 23 have changed.
> (no mention of 1 or 42 is made).
> Choise A doesn't scale well for very busy systems; however, its easier
> cleaner to impelment, far less likely to be buggy. Choice B is prone
> to nasty bugs. I vote for A.
> --linas
Dr. David C. Merrill
Linux Documentation Project
Collection Editor & Coordinator
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By the Earth that is Her body
By the Air that is Her breath
By the Fire of Her bright spirit
By the Waters of Her living Womb,
The circle is cast.
-- Traditional Circle Casting