Need information on file read/write sequence format

Alex J.P.
Wed, 10 Jan 2001 14:53:38 -0600

Hi All

Have been reading the mail for the past couple of months. I would like to 
write a small routine to dump and read gnucash data off a MySQL 
database/tables. If it works, am thinking of writing a generic routine with a 
plugin feature to read and write gnucash data off any database realtime.
(Please let me know if this conflicts with anybody else's plans :) )

I've looked at FileIO routines and the sample PostgresBackend and they have a 
lot of information, but a bit confusing.

I was wondering if somebody could give me more information on how the data is 
arranged in the file and how I could get to it in the correct sequence.

I would really appreciate any help from anybody.

By the way I've been using Linux for the last 4 years while also using 
windoze. Gnucash was the last application equivalent that I needed to move 
completely off windoze. It's an excellent app. (It has grown so fast!!)

I know you have heard it from others enough times. But if you haven't heard 
it recently, here goes .... 
You have started an excellent product, Thank You Very Much.

By the way I'm a mainframe programmer with a lot of experiance with app 
development & design, primarily using DB2, CICS, Cobol and a little ALC 
(Assembler). I currently trying to move into Database Administration on DB2 
UDB on the mainframe.


Alex J.P.

p.s. which is the correct address to send to the deve list is it or ???