scripting language vs. developer community size
Dan Kegel
Mon, 15 Jan 2001 22:00:19 -0800
Christopher Browne wrote:
> Frankly, it's utterly unimportant if there are thousands of people out
> there in "Internet-Land" that think Scheme is a ludicrous choice if, in
> contrast, the core developers of GnuCash _all_ happen to like Scheme.
> If the latter fact is true [and if not directly true, it's at least not
> _vastly distant_ from the truth], then it's likely that Scheme will be
> the Most Supported Scripting Language for GnuCash.
True. However, if you find it hard to attract qualified developers
to the project because only a few programmers are willing to learn
Scheme, GnuCash might develop more slowly than you like.
But hey, maybe you guys have plenty of people who regularly contribute code,
and aren't hurting for programmers. So, how many people *are* currently
contributing good Scheme code to GnuCash?
- Dan
p.s. I hope to use GnuCash soon myself, and am quite happy that the
latest RPM's install without trouble on Red Hat 6.2. And
I'm trying to learn Scheme, so if I run into a feature I've
gotta have, I can add it...