scripting language vs. developer community size
Thu, 18 Jan 2001 16:15:34 -0600 (CST)
I'll say this only once, very quietly, since I don't want a flame
war; but personally I've never been a fan of Java. Its slowww, buggy,
crashes a lot, and has trouble playing nice with others.
I've always been intrigued by the fact that the (vast?) majority
of the open source community have stayed away from java, even
as large chunks of the rest of the programming world flocked to it.
It's been rumoured that Dan Kegel said:
> What's the consensus on ?
> According to it provides
> pretty good Scheme - Java integration.
> It's vaguely tempting (assuming unlimited CPU power) to consider porting
> the core of GnuCash to Java. Then high-level development could be done
> in either Java or Scheme or both; no special demands would be placed
> on the IQ of the programmer wishing to call Scheme from Java or vice versa.
> - Dan
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