GnuCash Features Survey
Richard Braakman
Mon, 2 Jul 2001 11:35:22 +0300
On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 10:25:22AM +0200, Christian Stimming wrote:
> Just a small nagging thing: You used the radio-button-without-inital-value
> form element. This is a quite nasty thing -- once you chose a value but
> later find out that no choice applies, it is impossible to uncheck the
> radio selection as a whole. Wouldn't it be too hard to add an inital
> choice "N/A" to each radio button selection?
This probably explains my problem too :) I use lynx, and it doesn't
buy the "no initial value" thing. When the page is loaded it sets
each radio button to the first choice. This might be a bug in lynx,
but I don't feel like digging through HTML specs now.
Richard Braakman
Will write free software for money.