Gnucash RPM management ?
Paul Lussier
Mon, 02 Jul 2001 09:46:53 -0400
In a message dated: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 14:15:28 +0200
Laurent Jacques said:
>OK. I will use it.
>But all people are not familiar with apt.
Not all people are familiar with rpm either, and anyone new to Linux
certainly won't be familiar with any of the package managers
currently available.
Of course, requiring people to use a different package manager, is
also not the best approach, though IMO, the developers of *any* sw
package should not be required, or even expected to provide anything
more than just the source in a tar.gz format. It should be left to
the distributions to package the sw into the appropriate format,
since that is the entire point behind installing Linux from a
>I think the gnucash development has to offer a simpler way to install gnucash
>for the non specialist users. This is why I spoke about a "Red Carpet" like
>installation script. In addition, this will be useful if there are more and
>more required packages in the future of gnucash.
I disagree. The developers of GnuCash, or any sw package should be
expected or required to do anything but provide the source tar-ball.
Anything else they spend their time on detracts from the time and
effort they are able to spend on developing the sw itself.
While I don't disagree that an install-gremlin may be usefull to many
people, why have multiple groups of people spinning their wheels to
duplicate the efforts of each other.
RedCarpet already exists. When Ximian gets around to incorporating
GnuCash into their Gnome distribution, everyone will be able to use
that. When the various distributions get around to incorporating
GnuCash into their releases, then it can be easily installed from
the distro CD.
If you can't wait until it becomes main-stream, then, by definition,
you are what is referred to as an "Early Adopter", and therefore,
must, as we say, "Deal with a certain amount of pain".
Of course, if you'd like to contribute the code for this
install-gremlin, I'm sure no one will turn it down :)
If we spent half as much time coding as we do bashing
others for not supporting Free/Open Source Software,
just imagine how much cooler we would be!
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