[Robert Graham Merkel <rgmerk@mira.net>] Re: gnucash
Camm Maguire
09 Jul 2001 19:45:40 -0400
Greetings! I'm forwarding this at the suggestion of Robert Merkel.
If anyone has any interest in this idea, please cc me directly, as I'm
not subscribed to this list.
Take care, and thanks for your good work on this program!
Camm Maguire camm@enhanced.com
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens." -- Baha'u'llah
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Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2001 16:57:30 +1000
From: Robert Graham Merkel <rgmerk@mira.net>
To: Camm Maguire <camm@enhanced.com>
Subject: Re: gnucash
Message-ID: <20010707165730.K16271@trell>
References: <E15IX1m-0008Kf-00@intech19.enhanced.com>
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On Sat, 07 Jul 2001 00:56:18 Camm Maguire wrote:
> Greetings! I read your interview today. I've been meaning to write
> you about this for some time, but have been very busy. I have some
> very rudimentary but working functional C code which retrieves my
> account information at SFNB over SSL, parses the web page with a
> little flex/yacc, and then updates a local postgresql database.
> Working reliably since 1997. Seems that it could be further expanded
> into a gnucash interface into at least this online bank without having
> to download qif, as many banks don't appear to offer this yet. Can
> you use this? It is truly rough, written quickly for my own purposes,
> but does work.
Quite possibly, but this isn't the stuff I work on directly.
Over the next development cycle, we're going to be working to give GnuCash
a proper plugin architecture to make it easier to build small, independent
modules to do things like this.
In any case, I would encourage to bring this up on the gnucash-devel
mailing list at
gnucash-devel@gnucash.org, where the people who *do* work on the online
will be able to comment.
Robert Merkel rgmerk@mira.net
Go You Big Red Fire Engine
-- Unknown Audience Member at Adam Hills standup gig
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