Survey comments as well
Michael Fair
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 00:27:00 -0700
> While I agree with the
> above comments my mind keeps going back to those that are already
> crying about the dependency list, and adding Evolution to it, although
> I've heard great things about it, would just add to the stack.
In truth I was wrong to have implied that GNUCash should
be dependent on Evolution. The idea is truly to have both
dependant upon generic object/data storage services package.
> it might be more desireable to have a lot of dependencies,
> that add a lot of bells and whistles to the program and
Here again I begin to see GNUCash diverge into several
different packages. There is gnucash-common, gnucash-server,
and gnucash-client. I think the developers are beginning
to see the need for this kind of separation to meet all
their design goals.
- gnucash-Common and gnucash-Server should not have any
dependancies on any GUI related packages.
- Both Client and Server depend on Common
- Common depends on stuff like xml libraries and other
p[ackages that both Server and Client need
- Server itself depends on stuff like the object/data storage
services and SQL libraries and any other special libraries
that are specific to running the server but not needed
by the GUI.
I think you get the picture. This would help with the
dependancies as they would be more specific to the task
which always help. The dependancies will not be so bad
once things stabilize a bit more and more programs take
advantage of each other's code. There were times in our
history when the command line dpendancies got out of hand
too, and then clear winners for certain needs emerged and
now those winners are pretty much part of every standard
install so they are no longer considered a difficulty.
If you think about as an example PERL is a pretty big
dependancy to install to run a few scripts, but because
the tool so common and so many useful things use it, that
people usually don't even consider the installation complete
until they can run perl scripts on it... Just a thought.
> Of course as Dennis Miller would say, those are just my opinions,
> I could be wrong :-)
Well these are our opinions and they are right!
-- Michael --
DISCLAIMER: These opinions reflect those of everyone on this planet,
including any who have not yet realized they have the wrong opinion,
according to my reality. :)