GnuPOS on Sourceforge!
Conrad Canterford
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 16:05:29 +1000
Good news! I have set up gnupos on Sourceforge
(, and can now spare you all from
further mailings. I ask all interested people to please subscribe to the
gnupos-devel list, and provide some comments, suggestions, feedback, bug
reports, and all the other fun stuff that makes up an active project
email list.
Gnupos 0.3 has also been released and is now available for download from
sourceforge (find it from the page linked to above, because I don't
remember the correct address).
I can also tell you that 0.4 will be released in about a week or so, and
will function as a (very basic) calculator using the included sample
state file. What else to be included in 0.4 is currently undecided - it
didn't take me as long as expected to get gnc-numerics working, and I
really don't want to do another release just yet, so I'll do some work
on another area before I release.
There are still lots of bugs for people to find, and much development
work that needs to be done (and I do welcome assistance here, guys!).
Thanks for your patience,
Conrad Canterford (
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