Ximian gtkhtml upgrade breaks gnucash package
Larry Ewing
22 Jul 2001 20:06:36 -0500
You don't want to upgrade you want to install (-ivh rather than -Uvh)
the new libgtkhtml13-0.10.1, upgrading will remove the old package which
is not what you want. Now having said that I'm fairly certain that the
gtkhtml packages will conflict. In the past we didn't split the
components out and it prevented multiple installations from being
conflict free. Starting at 0.10.0 it should be possible to have
multiple libgtkhtml packages installed without conflicts.
Making symlinks between the libraries is not a good idea. While you may
not run into trouble I wouldn't have bumped the soname if there weren't
binary incompatible changes. For the short period while the packages
still conflict it would be better to force install both rather than make
a symlink. Just try to make sure you end up with the components that
match what evolution wants.
On 22 Jul 2001 17:06:33 -0400, Roger H. Goun wrote:
> The latest release of the gtkhtml and libgtkhtml packages from Ximian
> for Red Hat 7.1 has broken a GnuCash 1.6.1 dependency.
> [root@kiera roger]# rpm -Uvh gtkhtml-0.10.1-ximian.1.i386.rpm libgtkhtml13-0.10.1-ximian.1.i386.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
> libgtkhtml.so.10 is needed by gnucash-1.6.1-1
> I forced the upgrade (--nodeps), and of course gnucash couldn't start,
> so I created a symlink:
> [root@kiera roger]# cd /usr/lib
> [root@kiera lib]# ln -s libgtkhtml.so.13 libgtkhtml.so.10
> This works in my very limited testing, but of course it's not an ideal
> solution. Should I have installed rather than upgraded libgtkhtml?
> Would it be possible/worthwhile to link the gnucash executable in the
> RPM statically to reduce all this shared library thrashing? I'm new to
> GnuCash, so forgive me if I'm reopening old wounds here.
> -- Roger
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