The Close button

Richard Braakman
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 20:05:20 +0300

On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 09:41:52PM -0500, Thomas Cherryhomes wrote:
> He brought up an interesting point about the nature of the Close Button 
> in GNUCASH, the big huge one on the toolbar. From his standpoint, he 
> believed that it would close the entire document, so he never used it 
> until he tried to close the file.

I also ran into that... it took me quite a while to realize that
"New Account Tree" actually means new account tree _view_, and that
that's what I needed to get my account tree back.  (I assumed it
meant create a new account tree, similar in spirit to "new file".)

Richard Braakman
Will write free software for money.