reconcile feature

Georg Wilckens
Fri, 27 Jul 2001 14:24:45 +0200


Sometimes you might have to enter a list of say 300 transactions. In
the end you realize that the balance doesn't match *ouch*. If the
delta you get is divisible by nine, you have a pretty good chance that
it is caused by switched digits in a transaction (eg. 123.43 instead
of 132.43). It is relatively easy to calculate where the error took
place, so you would have to check maybe 10 transactions instead of 300
to fix it. Still AFAIK no accounting software implements this feature
as of now. Would anyone need this? If yes, are you interested in
integrating this feature into gnucash?

The very ink with which all history is written is merely fluid
prejudice.	-- Mark Twain