1.5.98: two design issues

Klaus Ridder klaus.ridder@gmx.de
Sat, 9 Jun 2001 09:09:04 +0200

1.: Concerning the "new account" dialogue"
It's great that the list of accounts does now show more accounts at one, so
you have less to scroll. But: why don't you just make the list 2 or 3 items
longer, and you don't have to scroll at all?

2.: Concerning the guppi pie charts:
They look quite good, however, the pie is MUCH to small, especially if you
have a lot of accpunts, and if you want to "cut some pieces" out of the pie.
The size doesn't have to be customizable, but it should have at least double
the size. The place is there.

3.: de_DE: A Bug in the pie charts:
export LANG=de_DE
now the last letter of the title of the pie charts is cut.
Probably shorten the german descriptions?
