qif importing bug?
Bill Gribble
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 12:06:17 -0500
On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 10:15:20PM -0700, Cengiz Alaettinoglu wrote:
> And here is the qif file:
> !Type:Bank
> D6/16/97
> CX
> MAlaettinoglu, Cengiz
> T2,098.82
> PAccounts Pay Payment Usc
> L/Travel:N|[Travel]
> S/Travel:N|[Travel]
> ERejklavik
> $2,000.00
> S/Petty Cash:ISDN|[Telecom]
> $98.82
> ^
Thanks for the bug report. I have fixed the problem that caused
gnucash to fail to import this file, but I have to ask you what your
understanding of the *meaning* of this transaction is.
According to the parsing rules I understand for QIF transfer/split
lines, the "L" line says that this transaction has no Category but is
in the Class Travel:N|[Travel]. This doesn't seem right, because it
would be a very strange use of the Class field. It seems more likely
that this is really a Transfer to the account Travel, in the Class
Travel:N ... is this correct?
If so, MS Money is bastardizing the QIF format AGAIN.... fortunately
I can change our parser to handle this pretty easily. Please let me
know which of these interpretations is correct.
Bill Gribble