online balance info

Nathan A. Smith
25 Jun 2001 12:31:31 -0600

Couldn't we just credit the category?  Since that is already saved -- a
simple solution already exists.


On 25 Jun 2001 12:15:59 -0500, Linas Vepstas wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 11:29:06PM -0400, John Klar was heard to remark:
> > Linas wrote: (2nd point)
> > > OFX also seems to loose inter-account transfer info, and has
> > > mal-formed, badly capitalized and cryptic info in 'payee' and
> > > 'memo' fields, at least based on samples I've looked at.
> > 
> > v1.02 doesn't seem to have a Payee :( and memo looks like whatever string
> > the payee emitted to your FI
> > 
> > > Its a bit cleaner than QIF to parse (e.g. it should indicate the
> > > currency of the transaction).  But its not a double-entry system;
> > > all you know is that money came, or went, but you are never clear
> > > on to whom, or how or why.
> > 
> > I'm not seeing this.  
> > 
> >  <FITID> should be "unique", but I'm detecting some rollover compared
> >          to a statement pulled from last year.
> >     C&D are electronic
> >                     TRANSFER TO mumble)
> >  <CHECKNUM> correlates the check
> >  <MEMO> includes additional detail.  In the case of 102, this
> >         is where the PAYEE info is.
> Some banks are better than others.   The following from the 
> gnucash samples driectory, a canadian bank:
> whazzat? where'd it come from?  why? what memo?
> (having the unique id in fitid is indeed batter than what QIF supports
> and makes it easy to detect multiple instances of teh same trasnaction).
> the problem is that gnucash can indeed debit one account by 80,
> but what account should be credited by a matching 80 ? We'll
> need to develop some heuristics, or possibly take some ugly default
> values.   The 'ideal' interface would have some wizard pop up and ask
> 'hey next time we see one of these 'PAYMENT THANKYOU' things, what 
> account should we put it in?', and remember the user's answer.
> --linas
> -- 
> Linas Vepstas -- --