feature request: reconciling unbalanced transactions

Ben Stanley bds02@uow.edu.au
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 16:37:47 +1000

cvs gnucash places little boxes with crosses on all splits belonging to
an unbalanced transactions.

I was wondering if these little cross boxes could be turned into buttons
which would cause the transaction to be balanced by adjusting the split
containing the button.

This would really simplify the process of balancing a transaction with
several splits.


Ben Stanley               |    barf  [ba:rf]  2.  "He suggested using FORTRAN,
PhD Student               |       and everybody barfed." - From the Shogakukan
SITACS                    |       DICTIONARY OF NEW ENGLISH (Second Edition)
University of Wollongong  |
Australia                 |    http://www.uow.edu.au/~bds02