Automatic periodic actions
Laurent Jacques
Sun, 6 May 2001 17:48:23 +0200
> Now that the archives are back up, could you point us to the patch
> in question? I'm having trouble finding it.
Ok, I have found it now.
But In fact (my memory was not so good) no script/patch was given.
The message is the followwing
or in plain text:
>>>>> On Thu, 5 Apr 2001 16:50:06 -0500, Chris Moewes-Bystrom
<> said:
Chris> Is there a way to add an entry at the command line like
>> gnucash --add "Paycheck" "Checking Account" "Pay Check" "Income"
Chris> Even this would be great as then you could write a simple
Chris> program to create gnucash crontab entries.
I've seen a partially finished script to do this. The person working
on it is planning on posting it to this list when he's done.
@James LewisMoss <> | Blessed Be!
@ | Linux is kewl!
@"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours." Bach
Have you some new informations about this script ?
Anyway, for which GnuCash version (1.8 ?) could you expect an included
"scheduled tasks" tools ?
L. Jacques.
P.S. Gnucash is for me very powerfull. I prefer it to my old tools MsMoney.
Good job.