Problems with splits

Klaus Ridder
Thu, 24 May 2001 19:41:23 +0200

I encounteres this problem in 1.4.11, so I don't know if it still exisits in
the current version:

Make a booking "XY Store" in the "Bank" Account, with the splits
- Computer $500
- Phone    $100
- Printer  $200
Books these 3 things to the expenes Account "BusinessExpenses".

Now open the account "Business Expenses". It now shows
- XY Store $500
- XY Store $100
- XY Store $200

Instead of
- Computer $500
- Phone    $100
- Printer  $200

OK, I switch to mult-row mode and see the following:

Store XY            $500
Bank       $800
Phone               $100
Printer             $200
Store XY            $100
Bank       $800
Computer            $500
Printer             $200
Store XY            $200
Bank       $800
Computer            $500
Phone               $100

I don't think this is how it shoud be ... I would really love to see that I
bought a Cpmputer, a phone and a printer - and that's just what isn't shown.
Probably this is already fixed in the current version?
Lookjing forward to your responses!

Klaus Ridder