QIF Import in 1.6.x

Bill Gribble grib@linuxdevel.com
02 Nov 2001 09:59:28 -0600

On Fri, 2001-11-02 at 09:51, Graham Leggett wrote:
> When I go through the new QIF import wizard, the end result is that the
> QIF data is imported into a brand new account, instead of applying the
> transactions to an existing account. This new account has the name
> "Existing Account 2" after it. It does the exact same thing for the
> expense account as well.

this means that "Existing Account" is not 'compatible' with the account
that you names as "Existing Account" in the QIF importer.  

'compatible' means:
 - same Currency and Security 
 - compatible Type 

and so on.  You don't want to assume that a QIF imported account with
currency in dollars is the same as one that happens to already exist but
has currency of Euros, for example, or that a Bank account and an
Expense account are the same, so we change the name of the imported
account slightly when there's a collision.

It's altogether possible that the compatibility check is failing for two
accounts that ought to be compatible.  The way to determine that is
first to understand what the QIF importer thought was so different about
the account that was described in the QIF file from the account that
already existed.  

Look at "Existing Account" and "Existing Account 2" in the Account
Editor.  What's the same and/or different about them? 
