sql backend failure when deleting an account

Dave Peticolas dave@krondo.com
14 Nov 2001 23:53:53 -0800

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On Wed, 2001-11-14 at 20:06, Matthew Vanecek wrote:
> I'll  give that a whirl.  You don't have any
> documentation on the test-db.c, do you?  any little
> notes about it?  Sometimes that's easier than trying
> to divine the process flow from the code...

Nothing other than what's there. There basic
paradigm is: make a bunch of random, but valid,
gnucash data, save it to sql, load it back and
make sure it's the same, lather, rinse, repeat.

> I made a small change to kvp-sql.c in CPY_KVP(TYPE). I
>  added the objtype in the following bit:
>    p =3D stpcpy (p, "' as sessionGuid, datetime('NOW')
> as date_changed, "	\
>                   "'d' as change, 'z' as objtype, *
> from gncKVPValue" TYPE " WHERE iguid=3D");\
> I picked 'z' as an arbitrary value--ideally it should
> come from the objtype of the object being removed.  I
> hadn't quite figured out how to get that yet, but I'll
> read the code some more.  Any hints would be
> appreciated, though...

I think the object type should be 'k' for kvp.
But check src/backend/postgres/kvp-sql.c to be

> think the sql backend would be more-or-less OK if that
> were implemented.  Of course, I still need to find the
> best way to get the objtype field, to correctly note
> the type of transaction being deleted.

I think there are probably still some more issues
there, especially with escaping kvp data. You might
look at the diffs over the last month or so in the
postgres module.

> I noticed that the src/engine/sql directory is empty
> in the cvs head tree.  Is all that stuff moved to the
> src/backend/postresql directory?



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