GncBusiness v. GNCSession
Derek Atkins
21 Nov 2001 09:33:02 -0500
Dave Peticolas <> writes:
> > You are assuming that you now know enough about what core objects are
> > like to be able to make the correct abstraction. I am not so sure.
> > So far, the engine has two core objects: the account tree, and the
> > price table. They are quite different. Looking at them, I cannot
> > really deduce a pattern. =20
> Now it also has the list of scheduled transactions.
> And eventually the budget data if Joshua's plan
> continues.
And I plan to add Customers, Vendors, Jobs, Orders, and Invoices.
Moreover, I need two lists of these, since years down the road you may
have thousands and thousands of Orders and Invoices, and you certainly
wont want or need to load them all. Does the engine/backend system
have some way to _partially_ load an object and then do a full backend
lookup only when that object is accessed? Or is that the pervue of
the Query (in which case I still have a lot of work to do to augment
I'm adding "Employees" as well, but I don't think I'm going to be
using them right away. ;)
> dave
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord@MIT.EDU PGP key available